Translation of "Suppliant" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Suppliant" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Meanwhile, with beaten breasts and streaming hair, / the Trojan dames, a sad and suppliant train, / the veil to partial Pallas' temple bear. / Stern, with averted eyes the Goddess spurns their prayer.

Entrementes, ao templo de Minerva, / não propícia, as troianas se dirigem: / tristes, em atitude suplicante, / os cabelos têm soltos e golpeiam / com as mãos o peito – o manto sacro estão levando. / Mas, o rosto voltando para o lado, / no chão a deusa os olhos mantém fixos.

But gladly sire Anchises hails the sign, / and gazing upward through the starlit air, / his hands and voice together lifts in prayer: / "O Jove omnipotent, dread power benign, / if aught our piety deserve, if e'er / a suppliant move thee, hearken and incline / this once, and aid us now and ratify thy sign."

Mas, contente, / meu pai Anquises ergue os olhos para o céu / e, as mãos e a voz aos astros elevando, / “Onipotente Júpiter, suplica, / se de algum modo humanas preces te comovem, / ao menos lança sobre nós o teu olhar; / e, se nossa piedade algo merece, / confirma-nos, ó Pai, esse presságio.”

- "This more, besides, I charge thee to obey, / if any faith to Helenus be due, / or skill in prophecy the seer display, / and mighty Phoebus hath inspired me true, / these warning words I urge, and oft will urge anew: / Seek Juno first; great Juno's power adore; / with suppliant gifts the potent queen constrain, / and winds shall waft thee to Italia's shore."
- Moreover, if Helenus has any foresight, if the seer may claim any faith, if Apollo fills his soul with truths, this one thing, Goddess-born, this one in lieu of all I will foretell, and again and again repeat the warning: mighty Juno’s power honour first with prayer; to Juno joyfully chant vows, and win over the mighty mistress with suppliant gifts. So at last you will leave Trinacria behind and be sped triumphantly to the bounds of Italy.

"Além do mais, se alguma ciência tem Heleno, / se neste vate crês, se de verdades / o coração me inunda Apolo, quero dar-te, / filho de Vênus, um conselho, que entre todos / é sem dúvida o mais considerável / e não me cansarei de repetir: / seja o primeiro objeto do teu culto, / de Juno excelsa a divindade; com desvelo / dirige-lhe teus votos e conquista / com súplicas e dons a poderosa deusa, / e quando, finalmente, a tiveres propícia, / deixarás a Trinácria e irás à Itália."

- "But I, who walk in majesty as queen of the gods, both sister and wife of Jupiter, I am still waging wars with one tribe for all these years! And who will worship the divine spirit of Juno after this, or what suppliant will bring an offering to her altars?"
- "But I, who walk the Queen of Heaven confessed, / Jove's sister-spouse, shall I forevermore / with one poor tribe keep warring without rest? / Who then henceforth shall Juno's power adore? / Who then her fanes frequent, her deity implore?"

"Enquanto eu, que dos deuses sou rainha, / que, além de ser de Júpiter irmã, / esposa sou também, contra um só povo / vejo-me a fazer guerra há tantos anos! / Depois disto quem pode haver disposto / a venerar de Juno a divindade, / ou com preces depor em seus altares / uma oferenda, um digno sacrifício?”

- Juno then, as a suppliant, addressed him in these words: "Aeolus (for the father of the gods has granted you authority to calm the seas and to stir them up with the winds), a race hateful to me is sailing upon the Tyrrhenian sea, carrying Troy along with its conquered gods to Italy."
- Him now Saturnia sought, and thus in lowly strain: / "O AEolus, for Jove, of human kind / and Gods the sovran Sire, hath given to thee / to lull the waves and lift them with the wind, / a hateful people, enemies to me, / their ships are steering o'er the Tuscan sea, / bearing their Troy and vanquished gods away / to Italy."

A ele então, / humilde, Juno roga nestes termos: / “Ó Éolo (pois a ti o pai dos deuses / e rei dos homens deu a faculdade / de as ondas amansar e de encrespá-las / com o auxílio do vento), uma gente que odeio / no momento navega o mar Tirreno, / levando para a Itália Ílio vencida / e seus penates".