Translation of "Nests" in Portuguese

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Nests" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Birds build nests.

Os pássaros constroem ninhos.

- Swallows build their nests out of clay.
- Swallows build their nests from clay.

As andorinhas constroem os seus ninhos a partir do barro.

Birds make their nests in trees.

Os pássaros fazem seus ninhos em árvores.

After a while, ants leave these nests

depois de um tempo, as formigas deixam esses ninhos

These great apes usually sleep in leafy nests.

Estes grandes símios costumam dormir em ninhos frondosos.

Raccoons eat their way through 90 percent of nests.

Os mapaches comem 90 % dos ninhos.

Birds have nests, spiders have webs, and humans have friendship.

Pássaros têm ninhos, aranhas teias e seres humanos amizade.

Birds have nests, spiders have webs and people have friendships.

Os pássaros têm ninhos, as aranhas têm teias e as pessoas têm amizades.

Then they build the nests, putting them on small and small

então eles constroem os ninhos, colocando-os em pequenos e pequenos

The first nests were laid almost two months ago, and now they are beginning to hatch.

Os primeiros ninhos foram feitos há quase dois meses e já começam a eclodir.