Translation of "Himself…  " in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Himself…  " in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

He who excuses himself accuses himself.

Ele quem se desculpa se acusa.

Tells himself

diz a si mesmo

Mummifying himself


- Tom washed himself.
- Tom has washed himself.

- Tom se lavou.
- Tom lavou-se.

- Tom has hanged himself.
- Tom hanged himself.

Tom se enforcou.

He who justifies himself too much accuses himself.

Quem se justifica demais a si mesmo se culpa.

Tom hurt himself.

- Tom se machucou.
- O Tom se machucou.

Tom introduced himself.

- Tom apresentou-se.
- Tom se apresentou.

He hides himself.

Ele se esconde.

He's enjoying himself.

Ele se diverte.

Tom helped himself.

Tom ajudou a si mesmo.

Tom hated himself.

Tom odiava a si mesmo.

He washes himself.

Ele se lava.

Tom corrected himself.

Tom se corrigiu.

Tom enjoyed himself.

Tom se divertiu.

He enjoyed himself.

Ele se divertiu.

Tom restrained himself.

O Tomás conteve-se.

Tom scratched himself.

Tom arranhou-se.

Tom contradicted himself.

Tom se contradisse.

He revenged himself.

Ele se vingou.

Tom hates himself.

O Tom se odeia.

He loves himself.

- Ele se ama.
- Ela se ama.

Tom burned himself.

Tom se queimou.

He introduced himself.

Ele se apresentou.

Tom perjured himself.

Tom cometeu perjúrio.

He crossed himself.

- Ele benzeu-se.
- Ele fez o sinal da cruz.

Tom loves himself.

Tom se ama.

- Tom cut himself shaving.
- Tom cut himself while shaving.

Tom se cortou ao se barbear.

- Tom is talking to himself.
- Tom's talking to himself.

Tom está falando sozinho.

- Tom could've hurt himself.
- Tom could have hurt himself.

Tom poderia ter se machucado.

- Tom cut himself shaving.
- Tom cut himself while shaving.
- Tom cut himself while he was shaving.

- Tom se cortou ao se barbear.
- Tom se cortou enquanto estava se barbeando.

- He was angry with himself.
- He was angry at himself.

Ele estava com raiva de si mesmo.

- Tom couldn't defend himself.
- Tom wasn't able to defend himself.

Tom não podia se defender.

He professed himself satisfied.

Disse claramente que estava satisfeito.

He talked about himself.

Ele falou de si mesmo.

He lives by himself.

Ele vive sozinho.

Gingerbread Man hanged himself.

- Gingerbread Man enforcou-se.
- Gingerbread Man se enforcou.

He talked to himself.

Ele falou consigo mesmo.

He saved himself somehow.

Ele se salvou, de alguma maneira.

Somehow, he saved himself.

De algum modo, ele se salvou.

Tom is enjoying himself.

Tom está se divertindo.

Is Tom behaving himself?

Tom está se comportando bem?

He did it himself.

- Ele mesmo o fez.
- Ele o fez sozinho.
- Ele fez isso sozinho.

He taught himself French.

Ele aprendeu francês por conta própria.

He himself went there.

Ele mesmo foi lá.

He himself did it.

Ele mesmo fez.

Tom laughed at himself.

Tom riu de si mesmo.

Tom taught himself French.

Tom aprendeu francês por conta própria.

Tom should blame himself.

Tom deveria se envergonhar.

Tom ate by himself.

Tom comeu sozinho.

Tom isn't enjoying himself.

Tom não está se divertindo.

He hummed to himself.

Ele cantarolava para si.

Tom's talking to himself.

Tom está falando sozinho.

Tom hurt himself yesterday.

Tom se machucou ontem.

Tom didn't identify himself.

Tom não se identificou.

He expresses himself badly.

Ele se expressa mal.

He actually hurt himself.

Na verdade, ele mesmo se cortou.

He dresses himself well.

Ele se veste muito bem.

Every man for himself.

Cada um por si.

Tom considered himself lucky.

Tom se considerava sortudo.

Tom couldn't control himself.

Tom não pôde se controlar.

He considers himself ill.

Ele se considera doente.

Tom mentally kicked himself.

Tom se chutou mentalmente.

Tom left by himself.

Tom saiu sozinho.

He really hurt himself.

Ele realmente se machucou.

He laughed himself crazy.

Ele riu-se até ficar desfigurado.

He laughed himself silly.

Ele riu-se até ficar tolinho.

Tom didn't introduce himself.

Tom não se apresentou.

Tom stood by himself.

O Tom ficou de pé sozinho.

He's there by himself.

- Ele está lá sozinho.
- Está ali sozinho.

Tom waited by himself.

Tom esperou sozinho.

Tom felt himself weakening.

Tom sentiu-se enfraquecendo.

Epstein didn't kill himself.

Epstein não se matou.

Lincoln himself was taciturn.

O próprio Lincoln era taciturno.

- He hurt himself when he fell.
- He hurt himself upon falling.

Ele se machucou ao cair.

- Tom can't do everything himself.
- Tom can't do everything by himself.

- Tom não pode fazer tudo sozinho.
- Tom não consegue fazer tudo sozinho.

- Tom likes to talk about himself.
- Tom likes talking about himself.

Tom gosta de falar sobre si mesmo.

- He finished this work for himself.
- He finished this work by himself.

Ele terminou o trabalho dele por si só.

- Tom could've hurt himself.
- Tom could've been hurt.
- Tom could hurt himself.

Tom poderia ter se machucado.

- Tom plans to go by himself.
- Tom plans on going by himself.

Tom planeja ir sozinho.

A strong sense of himself...

uma forte consciência de si mesmo,

He prepared supper by himself.

Ele mesmo preparou o jantar.

He lost himself in thought.

Ele se perdeu em seus pensamentos.

He lived there by himself.

- Ele morou lá sozinho.
- Ele morava lá sozinho.

He bought himself a dog.

- Comprou um cão.
- Comprou um cachorro.

Tom was talking to himself.

Tom falava consigo mesmo.

He tried to kill himself.

- Ele tentou suicidar-se.
- Ele tentou se matar.

It's every man for himself.

É cada homem por si.