Translation of "Attempted" in Portuguese

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Attempted" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

He attempted to escape.

Ele tentou escapar.

This should be attempted.

Isso deveria ser tentado.

We attempted the experiment.

Tentamos o experimento.

She attempted to kill herself.

Ela tentou se matar.

Tom attempted to rescue Mary.

Tom tentou resgatar Mary.

Tom attempted to kill himself.

Tom tentou se matar.

- She attempted to kill herself.
- She tried to commit suicide.
- She attempted suicide.

Ela tentou se matar.

They attempted to assassinate the president.

Tentaram assassinar o presidente.

Tom attempted to cheer Mary up.

- Tom tentou animar Mary.
- Tom tentou alegrar Mary.

First attempted and failed coup in Chile.

Primeira tentativa e golpe fracassado no Chile.

I attempted to leave but was stopped.

Tentei partir mas me impediram.

Linda never attempted to improve her looks.

Linda nunca buscou melhorar a sua aparência.

He attempted to swim across the river.

Ele tentou atravessar o rio a nado.

Tom and Mary attempted to murder John.

Tom e Mary tentaram assassinar John.

I haven't yet attempted to do that.

Eu ainda não tentei fazer isso.

- She attempted to kill herself.
- She tried to commit suicide.
- She attempted suicide.
- She tried to kill herself.

Ela tentou se suicidar.

The old man attempted to swim five kilometers.

O velho tentou nadar 5 quilômetros.

They attempted in vain to bribe the witness.

Eles tentaram em vão corromper a testemunha.

- Tom tried to escape.
- Tom attempted to escape.

- Tom tentou fugir.
- Tom tentou escapar.

- She tried to commit suicide.
- She attempted suicide.

Ela tentou se suicidar.

- This should be attempted.
- Someone should try this.

Isso deveria ser tentado.

- He attempted suicide.
- He tried to commit a suicide.

Ele cometeu uma tentativa de suicídio.

The famous poet attempted to commit suicide in his library.

O famoso poeta tentou cometer suicídio na biblioteca dele.

- Mary attempted to kill herself.
- Mary tried to kill herself.

Mary tentou se matar.

José was sentenced to seven years in prison for attempted homicide.

José foi condenado a sete anos por tentativa de homicídio.

Tom attempted to escape but was quickly recaptured by his kidnappers.

Tom tentou fugir, mas foi rapidamente recapturado pelos sequestradores.

I attempted to get up, but my body was heavy as lead.

Tentei me levantar, mas meu corpo pesava como chumbo.

Another route they’ve attempted, was that of the Chinese rescue... and the Chinese answered

outra rota que eles tentaram foi o resgate Chinẽs... e os Chineses responderam