Translation of "Does" in Polish

0.019 sec.

Examples of using "Does" in a sentence and their polish translations:

- Regardless what he does, he does it well.
- Regardless of what he does, he does it well.
- No matter what he does, he does it well.

Wszystko, co robi, robi dobrze.

"Does she play tennis?" "Yes, she does."

- Czy ona gra w tenisa? - Tak.

- Everyone does it.
- That's what everyone does.

Wszyscy to robią.

- He makes good in everything he does.
- Regardless what he does, he does it well.
- Regardless of what he does, he does it well.
- No matter what he does, he does it well.

Za co się weźmie, świetnie mu idzie.

- Does this hurt?
- Does that hurt?
- Does it hurt when I do that?

Czy to boli?

- No matter what he does, he does it well.
- He does everything well.

On wszystko robi porządnie.

Regardless what he does, he does it well.

Niezależnie co robi, robi to porządnie.

- Does she like oranges?
- Does he like oranges?

Czy ona lubi pomarańcze?

- What does this do?
- What does that do?

Co to robi?

- Does he live here?
- Does she live here?

- Czy on tutaj mieszka?
- Czy ona tutaj mieszka?

Tom often does the same thing Mary does.

Tom często robi to samo, co Mary.

- What does it say?
- What does that say?

Co tam stoi?

Does it hurt?

Czy to boli?

Size does matter.

Rozmiar ma znaczenie.

Does that count?

Czy to się liczy?

Does this count?

Czy to się liczy?

Does God exist?

Bóg istnieje?

Does that help?

Czy to pomaga?

Does it work?

Czy to działa?

Does Tom know?

Czy Tom wie?

- What time does it start?
- When does that start?

- Kiedy się zaczyna?
- O której się zaczyna?

- Does she play the piano?
- Does she play piano?

- Czy ona umie grać na fortepianie?
- Czy ona gra na fortepianie?

No matter what he does, he does it well.

On wszystko robi porządnie.

- How much does that cost?
- What does that cost?

Ile to kosztuje?

- Does Tom know this?
- Does Tom know about it?

Czy Tom wie o tym?

- What does this stand for?
- What does that mean?

Co to znaczy?

Tom does basically the same thing as Mary does.

Tom robi w zasadzie to samo, co Mary.

- What does this stand for?
- What does it mean?
- What does this mean?
- What does that mean?
- What's the meaning of that?

Co to znaczy?

- Does anyone know you're here?
- Does anyone know that you're here?
- Does anybody know you're here?

Ktoś wie, że tu jesteś?

- What else does Tom want?
- What more does Tom want?

Co jeszcze chce Tom?

- Does anyone know the Japanese language?
- Does anyone know Japanese?

Czy ktoś zna język japoński?

- Does anybody know about this?
- Does anyone know about this?

Czy ktokolwiek o tym wie?

- Does Tom know about this?
- Does Tom know about it?

Czy Tom wie o tym?

- Does he like his job ?
- Does he like his job?

Czy on lubi swoją pracę?

- Does anyone here speak Japanese?
- Does someone here speak Japanese?

- Czy ktokolwiek tutaj mówi po japońsku?
- Czy ktoś tu mówi po japońsku?

- What does a Sovietologist study?
- What does a Sovietologist research?

Co studiuje sowietolog?

- What time does it close?
- When does the shop close?

O której godzina się zamyka?

- Does this belong to you?
- Does that belong to you?

Czy to należy do Ciebie?

- Where does your grandpa live?
- Where does your grandfather live?

Gdzie mieszka twój dziadek?

- Does Mr Ito teach history?
- Does Mr. Ito teach history?

Czy p. Ito uczy historii?

- Who does this belong to?
- Who does that belong to?

Do kogo to należy?

- What does this word mean?
- What does that word mean?

Co znaczy to słowo?

- Does it work?
- Is it working?
- Does this thing work?

Czy to działa?

- What does Tom think of this?
- What does Tom think about this?
- What does Tom think about that?
- What does Tom think about it?

Co o tym myśli Tom?

Because everyone else does.

Dlatego, że wszyscy dookoła to robią.

CR: Does he really?

CR: Naprawdę?

What does it require?

Czego wymaga?

What does this indicate?

Co to oznacza?

Does Tom like tomatoes?

Czy Tom lubi pomidory?

Where does it hurt?

Gdzie boli?

Does Toshio like Sachiko?

Czy Toshio lubi Sachiko?

She does hate dogs.

Ona naprawdę nie lubi psów.

What does she have?

Co ona ma?

Does she speak English?

- Czy ona mówi po angielsku?
- Ona mówi po angielsku?

Does he know me?

Czy on mnie zna?

He does not smoke.

On nie pali.

What does it contain?

Co jest w środku?

When does it end?

Kiedy to się skończy?

When does it start?

Kiedy ona zaczyna?

What does this mean?

Co to znaczy?

Does everybody love music?

Czy wszyscy kochają muzykę?

Does she know you?

Czy ona cię zna?

Does anybody know him?

Czy ktoś go zna?

Where does he live?

Gdzie on mieszka?

He does not know.

On nie wie.

Does somebody feel unwell?

Czy ktoś czuje się niedobrze?

Does everybody want it?

Wszyscy tego chcą?

Does she speak French?

Czy ona mówi po francusku?

Does your head hurt?

Boli głowa?

Does anybody need anything?

Czy ktoś czegoś potrzebuje?

How does it work?

W jaki sposób to działa?

How does coffee sound?

Co powiesz na kawę?

That does worry me.

To mnie martwi.

Does that even work?

Czy to w ogóle działa?

Does that window open?

- Da się tamto okno otworzyć?
- Czy tamto okno się otwiera?

Does Tom look angry?

Czy Tom wygląda na złego?

Does Tom like Boston?

Czy Tom lubi Boston?

Tom does like you.

Tom cię lubi.

Love does not forgive.

Miłość nie przebacza.

He does speak well.

On dobrze mówi.

Does he speak English?

Czy on mówi po angielsku?

Does she like oranges?

Czy ona lubi pomarańcze?

Does it work now?

Czy teraz działa?

Why does nobody answer?

Dlaczego nikt nie odpowiada?

Does this happen often?

Czy to się często zdarza?

Money does not smell.

Pieniądz nie śmierdzi.