Translation of "That's" in Polish

0.733 sec.

Examples of using "That's" in a sentence and their polish translations:

- That's nonsense.
- That's rubbish.
- That's hogwash.

Co za bzdrura.

- That's impossible.
- That's impossible!

To jest niemożliwe.

- That's strange.
- That's weird.

To dziwne...

- That's unbelievable!
- That's unbelievable.

To niewiarygodne.

- That's OK.
- That's okay.

To jest w porządku.

- That's great.
- That's great!

- To wspaniale.
- To świetnie.

- That's crazy.
- That's crazy!

- To szalone.
- To szaleństwo.

- That's fantastic.
- That's fantastic!

To fantastycznie!

- That's amazing!
- That's amazing.

To niewiarygodne!

That's all that's necessary.

To wszystko co jest wymagane.

- That's right!
- That's right.

- Właśnie!
- Zgadza się!

- That's ridiculous.
- That's ridiculous!

To śmieszne.

That's -


- It's difficult.
- That's hard.
- That's difficult.

To jest trudne.

- That's a fake.
- That's not original.

To nie jest oryginał.

- That's the spirit.
- That's the spirit!

To jest postawa!

- That's a lie!
- That's a lie.

To kłamstwo!

- That's obvious.
- It's clear.
- That's clear.

To jest czyste.

- That's MY line!
- That's my line!

To jest moje zdanie!

- That's my cat.
- That's my pussy.

To mój kot.

- That's funny.
- That's fun.
- It's amusing.

To jest zabawne.

- That's too much.
- That's too much!

To jest za dużo!

- Perhaps that's true.
- Maybe that's right.

- Być może to prawda.
- Prawdopodobnie.

- That's too easy.
- That's too simple.

To zbyt proste.

- That's really cute.
- That's so sweet.

Ale to słodkie!

That's awesome!

- to świetnie!

That's rare.

Ale to rzadkość.

That's why...


That's right.

To prawda.

That's unusual.

To niecodzienne.

That's dangerous!

To jest niebezpieczne!

That's logical.

To logiczne.

That's terrible.

- To jest straszne.
- To jest okropne.

That's crazy.

To szaleństwo.

That's nonsense.

To jest bzdura.

That's rubbish.

To bzdura.

That's chicken.

To jest kura.

That's interesting.

To ciekawe.

That's cool.

To super.

That's creepy.

- To jest zatrważające.
- To jest przyprawiające o gęsią skórkę.
- To jest przerażające.

That's scary.

To jest straszne

That's remarkable.

- To jest niezwykłe.
- To jest godne uwagi.

That's humiliating.

To jest poniżające.

That's horrible.

To jest okropne.

That's helpful.

To jest pomocne.

That's cheating.

To jest oszustwo.

That's awful.

To jest okropne.

That's soft.

To jest miękkie.

That's unlucky.

To był niefart.

That's justice.

To jest sprawiedliwość.

That's typical.

To typowe.

That's life.

Takie jest życie.

That's hindsight.

Teraz to już musztarda po obiedzie.

That's it.

To jest to.

That's all.

To wszystko.

That's possible.

Być może.

That's free.

To jest za darmo.

That's unfortunate.

- To przykre.
- A to pech.

That's avoidable.

To jest do uniknięcia.

That's plastic.

To plastik.

That's impossible!

- To niemożliwe!
- Niemożliwe!

That's delusional.

- Masz urojenia.
- Masz omamy.

That's huge.

To jest ogromne.

That's illegal.

To jest nielegalne.

That's right!

Zgadza się!

That's doubtful.

To jest zbyt wątpliwe.

That's ridiculous!

To śmieszne!

That's Carl.

To jest Carl.

That's wrong.

- Mylisz się.
- Nieprawda.

That's all?

To wszystko?

That's understandable.

To zrozumiałe.

That's wise.

To jest mądre.

That's upsetting.

To jest denerwujące.

That's wonderful.

To jest wspaniałe!

That's perfect.

To jest idealne.

That's his.

To należy do niego.

That's fantastic.

To jest fantastyczne!

That's childish.

To jest dziecinne.

- That's right!
- That's right.
- That is right.

Zgadza się.

That's not a cat. That's a dog.

To nie jest kot, to jest pies.

- That's terrible.
- This is horrible.
- That's appalling.

To jest straszne.

- No way!
- That's bullshit!
- That's a lie!

- Nieprawda!
- Kłamiesz!

- That's the way it is.
- That's right.

Tak to już jest.

- That's true as well.
- That's true, too.

To też prawda.

- That's right!
- Correct!
- That's right.
- Right!
- Exactly!

- Właśnie tak!
- Racja!

- That's a good idea!
- That's a good idea.

To jest dobry pomysł!

- That's good to hear!
- That's good to hear.

Dobrze to słyszeć!

- That's about it.
- That's all.
- That is all.

To wszystko.

- That's what I said!
- That's what I said.

To właśnie powiedziałem.