Translation of "Deserted" in Hungarian

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Deserted" in a sentence and their hungarian translations:

The town was deserted.

A város elhagyatott volt.

The house was deserted.

A ház elhagyatott volt.

The room was deserted.

A szoba elhagyatott volt.

The street is deserted.

Az utca elhagyatott.

The rooms are deserted.

A szobák elhagyatottak.

The park was deserted.

Kihalt volt a park.

- His memory failed him.
- His memory deserted him.

Cserbenhagyta az emlékezete.

In the morning, the playing field was deserted.

- Reggel a sportpálya ki volt halva.
- A sportpálya reggel kihalt volt.

- I've never seen this place so deserted.
- I've never seen this place so empty.

Soha nem láttam ezt a helyet ennyire elhagyatottnak.

If you had to go live on a deserted island and could only take one book with you, which one would you choose?

Ha egy lakatlan szigeten kellene élned és csak egy könyvet vihetnél magaddal, melyiket választanád?