Translation of "Unsuccessful" in German

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Unsuccessful" in a sentence and their german translations:

Our plan was unsuccessful.

Unser Vorhaben schlug fehl.

The therapy was unsuccessful.

Die Therapie schlug fehl.

Tom was unsuccessful in finding a job.

Tom war nicht erfolgreich, eine Arbeit zu finden.

- We failed.
- We have failed.
- We were unsuccessful.

Wir sind gescheitert.

- Our project failed.
- Our plan failed.
- Our plan was unsuccessful.

Unser Vorhaben schlug fehl.

- Tom was unsuccessful.
- Tom didn't succeed.
- Tom came up short.

Tom hatte keinen Erfolg.

We tried to put out the fire but we were unsuccessful. We had to call the fire brigade.

Wir versuchten das Feuer zu löschen, doch ohne Erfolg. Wir mussten die Feuerwehr rufen.