Translation of "Ukraine's" in Dutch

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Ukraine's" in a sentence and their dutch translations:

Ukraine's glory has not yet perished, neither her freedom.

Noch Oekraïnes glorie, noch haar vrijheid is al gestorven.

- Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
- Kiev is Ukraine's capital city.

Kiev is de hoofdstad van Oekraïne.

- Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
- Kiev is Ukraine's capital city.
- Kiev is the capital of Ukraine.

Kiev is de hoofdstad van Oekraïne.

- Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
- The capital of the Ukraine is Kiev.
- The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv.
- Kiev is Ukraine's capital city.

Kiev is de hoofdstad van Oekraïne.

- Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
- The capital of the Ukraine is Kiev.
- The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv.
- The capital of Ukraine is Kiev.
- Kiev is Ukraine's capital city.

De hoofdstad van Oekraïne is Kiev.