Translation of "Kiev" in Dutch

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Kiev" in a sentence and their dutch translations:

- The capital of the Ukraine is Kiev.
- The capital of Ukraine is Kiev.

De hoofdstad van Oekraïne is Kiev.

- Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
- Kiev is Ukraine's capital city.
- Kiev is the capital of Ukraine.

Kiev is de hoofdstad van Oekraïne.

- The capital of the Ukraine is Kiev.
- The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv.
- The capital of Ukraine is Kiev.

De hoofdstad van Oekraïne is Kiev.

- Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
- The capital of the Ukraine is Kiev.
- The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv.
- The capital of Ukraine is Kiev.
- Kiev is Ukraine's capital city.

De hoofdstad van Oekraïne is Kiev.

- Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
- The capital of the Ukraine is Kiev.
- The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv.
- Kiev is Ukraine's capital city.

Kiev is de hoofdstad van Oekraïne.

- Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
- Kiev is Ukraine's capital city.

Kiev is de hoofdstad van Oekraïne.

- Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine.
- Kiev is the capital of Ukraine.

Kiev is de hoofdstad van Oekraïne.

His adventures led him east to the city of Kiev, where he served at the court of Grand

Zijn avonturen voerden hem oostwaarts naar de stad Kiev, waar hij diende aan het hof van grootvorst