Translation of "Vaker" in English

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Examples of using "Vaker" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Dit zou je vaker moeten dragen.
- Dit zouden jullie vaker moeten dragen.

You should wear this more often.

Treinen komen vaker dan bussen.

Trains come more often than buses.

We moeten elkaar vaker zien.

We should see each other more often.

We moeten vaker met elkaar praten.

We need to talk to each other more often.

Dit zou je vaker moeten dragen.

You should wear this more often.

Ik eet vaker kip dan rund.

I eat chicken more often than I eat beef.

- Voelt u de drang om vaker te plassen?
- Voel je de drang om vaker te plassen?

Do you feel the urge to urinate more frequently?

En hij wil het steeds vaker doen.

And as he gets older, he seems to want to do it more and more.

Maar sommige vragen werden vaker dan andere gesteld.

but some questions were asked above the others.

Ik ga vaker naar Brussel dan naar Parijs.

I more often go to Brussels than Paris.

Zoals vaker bij columnschrijvers, kwamen er allerlei soorten reacties.

It was a mix, as is often the case, for writers.

...neushoorns worden vaker gedood dan dat ze zelf doden.

the truth is rhinos are more likely to be killed than to kill.

Bij jongens wordt vaker autisme vastgesteld dan bij meisjes.

Boys are more often diagnosed with autism than girls.

Degene die cannabis twee keer per week of vaker gebruikten,

those who used cannabis two or more times a week -

In Japan worden politici vaker uitgelachen dan bemind in manga.

In Japan, politicians are more often laughed at than loved in comics.

Duitse mannen gaan vaker naar de kapper dan Duitse vrouwen.

German men go to the hairdresser more often than German women.

Als hij me echt graag had, zou hij me vaker bellen.

If he really liked me, he would call me more often.

Wie bezoeken er in het algemeen vaker hun ouders: zonen of dochters?

Generally, who visits their parents more, sons or daughters?

In de rechtzaal worden vrouwen vaker schuldig bevonden aan meineed dan mannen.

In a court of justice women are more often found guilty of perjury than men.

Dus bevond ik me in een situatie waarin we ons wel vaker terugvinden:

so I found myself in a situation that we so often find ourselves in,

De kunstwerken van Picasso zijn vaker gestolen dan die van enig andere kunstenaar.

Picasso's art is stolen more frequently than that of any other artist.

Zoals wel vaker het geval is, was Mike deze namiddag te laat op de afspraak.

- As is usual with him Mike was late for the meeting this afternoon.
- As usual, Mike was late for the meeting this afternoon.
- As is often the case, Mike was late for the meeting this afternoon.

Met sommige boeken is het zo, dat hoe vaker ik ze lees, hoe minder ik ervan begrijp.

With some books, the more I read them, the less I understand them.

Nieuwsgierigheid is niets anders dan ijdelheid. Vaker wel dan niet wil men kennis bezitten om erover op te scheppen.

Curiosity is nothing more than vanity. More often than not we only seek knowledge to show it off.