Translation of "Suçüstü" in English

0.031 sec.

Examples of using "Suçüstü" in a sentence and their english translations:

Suçüstü yakalandı.

- He was caught red handed.
- He was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Hırsız suçüstü yakalandı.

- The thief was caught in the act.
- The thief was caught red handed.

Onu suçüstü yakaladım.

- I caught her in the act.
- I'd caught him red-handed.

O suçüstü yakalandı.

He was caught with his pants down.

Tom suçüstü yakalandı.

Tom was caught red-handed.

Onlar suçüstü yakalandılar.

They got caught red-handed.

Polis adamı suçüstü yakaladı.

The policeman arrested the man on the spot.

Biz onu suçüstü yakaladık.

We caught him red-handed.

Polisler hırsızı suçüstü yakaladı.

The police caught the burglar red-handed.

Polis onu suçüstü yakaladı.

- The police caught him at it.
- The Police caught him red handed.
- The police caught him red handed.

Onlar soyguncuları suçüstü yakaladılar.

They caught the robbers red-handed.

- Suçüstü yakalandılar.
- Onlar suçüstünde yakalandılar.

They were caught red-handed.

Tom bir FBI operasyonunda suçüstü yakalandı.

Tom was caught red-handed in an FBI sting operation.

O bir kolyeyi çalmaya çalışırken suçüstü yakalandı.

She was caught red-handed trying to steal a necklace.

Tom yazar kasadan hırsızlık yaparken suçüstü yakalandı.

Tom was caught red-handed, stealing from the cash register.

- Onu suçüstü yakaladım.
- Onu iş üstünde yakaladım.

I'd caught him red-handed.

Tom bizim mahallede bir eve zorla girerken polis onu suçüstü yakaladı.

The police caught Tom red-handed, breaking into a house in our neighborhood.