Translation of "Olurdu" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Olurdu" in a sentence and their english translations:

Ne olurdu?

What would happen?

Haksızlık olurdu.

That would be unfair.

Romantik olurdu.

It would be romantic.

Eğlenceli olurdu.

- It would have been fun.
- That would've been fun.
- It would've been fun.
- That would have been fun.

Güzel olurdu.

That would be nice.

Mükemmel olurdu.

It would be perfect.

- O aptalca olurdu.
- Bu aptalca olurdu.

That would be stupid.

O, hoş olurdu.

That would be lovely.

O zor olurdu.

That would be difficult.

Bu iyi olurdu.

- That would be fine.
- That would be cool.

Evlenmek hoş olurdu.

It would be nice to get married.

O harika olurdu.

- That would be fine.
- That would be cool.
- That would be great.

Bu eğlenceli olurdu.

- That would be great.
- That'd be fun.

O akıllıca olurdu.

That would be smart.

Tavsiyeniz ne olurdu?

- What would you advise?
- What would be your advice?

O, güzel olurdu.

- That would be nice.
- That'd be nice.

Bu basit olurdu.

- That would've been simple.
- That would have been simple.

Gelseydin harika olurdu.

If you came, that would be great.

Bu aptalca olurdu.

That would be silly.

O mükemmel olurdu.

That would be perfect.

O aptalca olurdu.

That would be unwise.

O sağduyulu olurdu.

That would be prudent.

Bu uygunsuz olurdu.

That would be inappropriate.

Bu inanılmaz olurdu.

That would be incredible.

Bu imkansız olurdu.

That would be impossible.

Bu ürpertici olurdu.

That would be creepy.

O delice olurdu.

That would be crazy.

Kahve güzel olurdu.

Coffee would be nice.

Bu farklı olurdu.

It would be different.

Bu mantıksız olurdu.

It would be illogical.

O anlamsız olurdu.

It would be pointless.

Bu konforsuz olurdu.

That would be uncomfortable.

Bu harika olurdu.

- That would've been awesome.
- That would have been awesome.

Bu berbat olurdu.

- That would've been awful.
- That would have been awful.

Bu komik olurdu.

- That would've been hilarious.
- That would have been hilarious.

Bu güzel olurdu.

- That would've been nice.
- That would have been nice.

Neden sorun olurdu?

Why would there be trouble?

Avantajlar ne olurdu?

What would the advantages be?

Bu ilginç olurdu.

It would be interesting.

O, sorumsuz olurdu.

That would be irresponsible.

Bu olağanüstü olurdu.

That would be extraordinary.

Bu felaket olurdu.

This would be catastrophic.

O, felaket olurdu.

That would be catastrophic.

O uygun olurdu.

That would be appropriate.

O, komik olurdu.

That would be hilarious.

Bu müthiş olurdu.

That would be terrific.

Bu korkunç olurdu.

That would be terrible.

Bu mümkün olurdu.

That would be possible.

O korkunç olurdu.

That would be horrible.

Bu ırkçı olurdu.

That would be racist.

O ölümcül olurdu.

That would be fatal.

Bu yorucu olurdu.

That would be exhausting.

O eğlenceli olurdu.

- That would've been entertaining.
- That would have been entertaining.

O nezaketsiz olurdu.

- That would've been discourteous.
- That would have been discourteous.

Fark ne olurdu?

What would be the difference?

Çok hoş olurdu.

That would be pretty cool.

Tom harika olurdu.

- Tom would've been great.
- Tom would have been great.

O neden olurdu?

- Where did it come from?
- Why would that happen?

Bu riskli olurdu.

That would be risky.

Bu yanlış olurdu.

That could be wrong.

Tom memnun olurdu.

Tom would be pleased.

Tom deli olurdu.

Tom would be mad.

O aşağılayıcı olurdu.

That would be humiliating.

Ne iyi olurdu?

What good would that be?

O saçma olurdu.

That would be absurd.

İçi boş olurdu.

It would be empty.

Değerlerden yoksun olurdu.

They would be empty of values.

O başarılı olurdu.

He would have succeeded.

Bu üzücü olurdu.

That would be sad.

Sonuçlar muazzam olurdu.

The consequences would be enormous.

Bu, tavsiyemiz olurdu.

This would be our recommendation.

Bu dayanılmaz olurdu.

- It would have been unbearable.
- It would've been unbearable.

Motivasyon ne olurdu?

What would be the motivation?

Sürpriz ne olurdu?

What would be the surprise?

O olağanüstü olurdu.

That would be outstanding.

Çok heyecanlı olurdu.

It would be so exciting.

Cevap hayır olurdu.

The answer would be no.

Perdeler güzel olurdu.

Curtains would be nice.

Bu uygun olurdu.

This would be fitting.

Bu aptallık olurdu.

That would be folly.

Yarın mümkün olurdu.

It would be possible tomorrow.

Tom şok olurdu.

- Tom would've been shocked.
- Tom would have been shocked.

Çok pahalı olurdu.

It would be very expensive.

Bence ilginç olurdu.

I think that it would be interesting.

- O olsaydı ilginç olurdu.
- Bu olsaydı ilginç olurdu.

It would be interesting if that happened.

Bulacağınız açıklama şöyle olurdu:

the explanation you would receive would go something like this:

Bir anda yok olurdu.

it'll be gone in a flash.

Düşüncelerini bilmek nasıl olurdu?

What if I could have?

Aynı derecede alakasız olurdu.

it would be just as irrelevant.