Translation of "Gerek" in English

0.069 sec.

Examples of using "Gerek" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Uyuman gerek.
- Uyumuş olman gerek.

You should be asleep.

Sakinleşmen gerek.

And you just have to relax.

Çalışmam gerek.

- I have to work.
- I need to work.

Konuşmamız gerek.

We need to have a talk.

Uyuman gerek.

You should sleep.

Gitmem gerek.

- I've got to go.
- I gotta go.

Kurtulmamız gerek.

We need to get away.

Bilmem gerek.

I need to know.

Ayrılman gerek.

You need to leave.

Gitmeleri gerek.

They need to go.

Koşmamız gerek.

We need to run.

Kutlamamız gerek.

We have to celebrate.

Yardım gerek!


- Doktora gitmen gerek.
- Doktora gitmeniz gerek.

It is necessary that you see a doctor.

- Yatmaya gitmemiz gerek.
- Uyumaya gitmemiz gerek.

We should go to sleep.

- Dinlemeye gerek görmedim.
- Dinlememe gerek yoktu.

I didn't need to hear that.

- Karamsarlığa gerek yok.
- Enseyi karartmaya gerek yok.

There's no need for pessimism.

- Özür dilemeye gerek yok.
- Özre gerek yok.

- There's no need to apologize.
- No need to apologize.

Ne yapmamız gerek?

what is it that we have to do?

Buradan alınmam gerek.

I need to get extracted from here.

Dikkatli olması gerek.

He needs to be careful.

Yenidoğanı korumaları gerek.

The newborn must be protected.

Bunu temizlemem gerek.

I've really got to get this off.

Işçiye gerek duyuyor.

like robots!

Endişelenmenize gerek yok.

- You don't have to trouble yourselves.
- No need to worry.

Utanmana gerek yok.

You have no need to be ashamed.

Söylemeye gerek yok.

That goes without saying.

Duş almam gerek

I need to take a shower.

İşi bitirmemiz gerek.

We need to finish the job.

Gelmene gerek yoktu.

You didn't need to come.

Seninle konuşmam gerek.

- I need to talk with you.
- I need to speak to you.

Şiddete gerek yok.

There's no need for violence.

Tuşa basmam gerek.

I need to press the button.

Tuşa basman gerek.

You need to press the button.

Bunun değiştirilmesi gerek.

This needs to change.

Geri gitmem gerek.

- I have to go back.
- I need to go back.

Sebzeleri pişirmem gerek.

I have to cook the vegetables.

Bunu yapmam gerek.

I have to do this.

Tom'u korumamız gerek.

We need to protect Tom.

Açıklamana gerek yok.

You don't need to explain.

Aceleye gerek yok.

- There's no rush.
- There is no rush.

Japonca öğrenmem gerek.

I need to learn Japanese.

Onların çalışması gerek.

They need to study.

Anlayan arif gerek.

A word to the wise is enough.

Korkmana gerek yok.

You don't need to be afraid.

Şimdi uyumam gerek.

I need to sleep now.

Konuşmamız gerek, tatlım.

We need to talk, honey.

Endişelenmene gerek yok.

You don't need to worry.

Beklemene gerek yok.

You don't need to wait.

Denemene gerek yok.

You don't have to try.

Çeneni kapaman gerek.

You need to shut your pie hole.

Broşüre gerek yok.

I don't need the brochure.

Ona gerek yok.

- There's no need for it.
- There's no need for that.

Konuşmaya gerek yoktu.

There was no need to talk.

Amerikan olsa gerek.

He must be an American.

Tıraş olmam gerek.

I need to shave.

Köpeği beslemem gerek.

I need to feed the dog.

Ellerimi yıkamam gerek.

I need to wash my hands.

- Uyumam gerek.
- Uyumalıyım.

I need to sleep.

Çocukları yatırmam gerek.

I have to put the kids to bed.

Abartmaya gerek yok.

There's no need to exaggerate.

Endişelenmeye gerek yoktu.

There was no need to worry.

Birlikte çalışmamız gerek.

- We need to work together.
- We must work together.
- We have to work together.

Buradan çıkmamız gerek.

We should get away from here.

Beklemenize gerek yok.

You don't need to wait.

Yorumlara gerek yok.

Comments are not needed.

Cümleyi değiştirmem gerek.

I should change the sentence.

Endişeye gerek yok.

There's no need for worry.

Hastaneye gitmem gerek.

I need to get to the hospital.

Dikkat etmen gerek.

You need to pay attention.

Hemen çıkmamız gerek.

We need to leave immediately.

Bunu bitirmemiz gerek.

- We must finish this.
- We have to finish this.
- We need to finish this.

Benimle konuşman gerek.

You need to talk to me.

Bağırmaya gerek yok.

There's no need to yell.

Paniğe gerek yok.

- There's no reason for panic.
- There's no reason to panic.
- There isn't any reason to panic.

Gizlemeye gerek yok.

There's no need to hide.

Beni dinlemen gerek.

You must listen to me.

Korkmaya gerek yok.

There's no need to be scared.

Çiş yapmam gerek.

I need to pee.

Şimdi gitmem gerek.

- I have to leave now.
- I must be going now.

Mary'nin sakinleşmesi gerek.

Mary needs to be tranquilised.