Translation of "Fire" in Arabic

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Examples of using "Fire" in a sentence and their arabic translations:

fire vermeleri az,

هم أقل احتمالًا للتخلي عنا

Ama fire vermeden

لكن بدون إهدار

Bir fireden sonra tekrar, yine bir fire tekrar

بعد إضاعة مرة أخرى ، مرة أخرى حريق مرة أخرى

Ama bir tane bile fire verirsek ne olacak biliyor musunuz?

لكن هل تعلم ماذا سيحدث إذا فقدنا ولو واحد؟

Cool under fire and a brilliant tactician, he was the ideal corps commander in battle.

Cool under fire and a brilliant tactician, he was the ideal corps commander in battle.