Translation of "Trineo" in English

0.008 sec.

Examples of using "Trineo" in a sentence and their english translations:

Mi trineo es blanco.

My sleigh is white.

Vámonos a montar en trineo.

Let's go sledding.

¡Prepara tu trineo en verano!

Get your sleigh ready in summer!

Santa Claus viaja en trineo.

Santa Claus rides a sleigh.

El trineo se deslizó rápidamente sobre el hielo.

The sleigh glided swiftly over the ice.

El invierno pasado su abuelo le regaló un trineo.

Last winter his grandfather gave him a sled.

Llegué un día antes para realizar una prueba con un trineo alquilado.

I’ve arrived a day early in order to get in a test run with a hired sled.

El trineo era tan pesado que cuatro hombres fueron asignados para tirarlo a través del hielo.

The sledge was so heavy that four men were assigned to pull it across the ice.