Translation of "Peleaban" in English

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Examples of using "Peleaban" in a sentence and their english translations:

No recuerdo por qué peleaban,

And I don't remember what she would confront him for,

Las dos hermanas siempre peleaban entre sí.

The two sisters were always quarreling with each other.

Los dos perros peleaban por el hueso.

The two dogs quarreled over the bone.

Ella no podía entender por qué se peleaban.

She could not understand why they fought.

La mamá separó a los niños que peleaban.

The mother separated the fighting children.

Tom y Mary peleaban como perro y gato.

Tom and Mary fought like cat and dog.

Como resultado los dos ejércitos lucharon una serie de escaramuzas mientras peleaban por ciertas

As a result the two armies fought a series of skirmishes while they were contesting certain