Translation of "Jim" in English

0.016 sec.

Examples of using "Jim" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Ellos lo llaman Jim.
- Le llaman Jim.

They call him Jim.

- Jim no viene hoy.
- Jim no vendrá hoy.
- Hoy no vendrá Jim.

Jim will not come today.

- Jim no vendrá hoy.
- Hoy no vendrá Jim.

Jim will not come today.

"Buenas noticias, Jim.

"Well, good news, Jim.

Jim es canadiense.

Jim is Canadian.

¿Dónde está Jim?

Where is Jim?

- "¿Quién es él?" "Es Jim."
- "¿Quién es?" "Es Jim."

"Who is he?" "He is Jim."

- Jim está aprendiendo a manejar.
- Jim está aprendiendo a conducir.

Jim is learning how to drive a car.

- Jim dejó París ayer.
- Jim se fue ayer de París.

Jim left Paris yesterday.

Vinieron todos menos Jim.

- All but Jim came.
- Everyone but Jim came.

Ellos lo llaman Jim.

They call him Jim.

"¿Quién es?" "Es Jim."

"Who is he?" "He is Jim."

Jim no vendrá hoy.

Jim will not come today.

Compré chocolate para Jim.

I bought the chocolate for Jim.

Jim dejó París ayer.

Jim left Paris yesterday.

Jim, cierra la ventana.

Shut the window, Jim.

Jim no viene hoy.

Jim will not come today.

Jim tiende a exagerar.

Jim tends to exaggerate.

Jim levantó la mano.

Jim raised his hand.

Hoy no vendrá Jim.

Jim will not come today.

Jim me llamó cobarde.

Jim called me a coward.

Jim abre la puerta.

Jim opens the door.

Cierra la ventana, Jim.

Shut the window, Jim.

¿Jim todavía no vino?

Hasn't Jim arrived yet?

- Jim no es abogado, es médico.
- Jim no es abogado, sino médico.

- Jim is not a lawyer but a doctor.
- Jim isn't a lawyer, but a doctor.
- Jim's not a lawyer. He's a doctor.

- Jim es la abreviatura de James.
- Jim es el diminutivo de James.

Jim is short for James.

"Jim, esto fue un aviso.

"Jim, this is a get-out-of-jail-free card.

Jim debe ser hospitalizado inmediatamente.

Jim must be hospitalized at once.

Jim sabe leer en japonés.

Jim can read Japanese.

La puerta la abre Jim.

The door is opened by Jim.

"¿Quién es él?" "Es Jim."

"Who is he?" "He is Jim."

Jim me pidió un taxi.

Jim called me a cab.

Ojalá Jim se portara bien.

I wish Jim would behave himself.

Jim pudo controlar su coraje.

Jim managed to control his anger.

Jim está regando el jardín.

Jim is watering the garden.

¿Todavía no ha llegado Jim?

Hasn't Jim arrived yet?

Jim está aprendiendo a manejar.

Jim is learning how to drive a car.

Jim usa un sombrero blanco.

Jim has a white hat on his head.

Corro tan rápido como Jim.

I run as fast as Jim.

Jim todavía no ha llegado.

Jim hasn't come yet.

Jim insiste en su opinión.

Jim persists in his opinion.

Jim no ha venido todavía.

Jim hasn't come yet.

Jim encontró trabajo de mesero.

Jim found work as a waiter.

Yo me preocupo por Jim

I'm looking after Jim.

- Jim agarró por el brazo a Julie.
- Jim cogió a Julie por el brazo.

Jim seized Julie by the arm.

Tom es tan alto como Jim.

Tom is as tall as Jim.

Le escribí una carta a Jim.

I wrote a letter to Jim.

A Jim le gusta el médico.

Jim likes the doctor.

Jim es un hombre de palabra.

Jim is a man of his word.

Jim no es abogado, es médico.

- Jim is not a lawyer but a doctor.
- Jim isn't a lawyer, but a doctor.
- Jim's not a lawyer. He's a doctor.

Jim está loco por su novia.

Jim is crazy about his girlfriend.

Perdimos a Jim entre la multitud.

We lost sight of Jim in the crowd.

Jim debe ir inmediatamente al hospital.

Jim must go to the hospital immediately.

Tu fracaso es culpa de Jim.

You have Jim to thank for your failure.

¿Desde cuándo conoces a Jim Robinson?

How long have you known Jim Robinson?

Jim la acompañó en el piano.

Jim accompanied her on the piano.

A Jim ha sabido gustarle Japón.

Jim has learned to like Japan.

Jim respondió mi pregunta sin dificultad.

Jim answered my question without difficulty.

Jim conducía su coche, silbando alegremente.

Jim drove his car, whistling merrily.

Jim se ha ido a Londres.

Jim has gone to London.

Jim va al colegio en bus.

Jim goes to school by bus.

¿Sabes dónde están Jim y Nancy?

Do you know where Jim and Nancy are?

Jim se quedó en mi casa.

Jim stayed at my house.

Jim también viene a la fiesta.

Jim's coming to the party, too.