Translation of "Horneó" in English

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Examples of using "Horneó" in a sentence and their english translations:

"¿Quién horneó los pasteles?" "Alessandra los horneó."

"Who baked the cakes?" "Alessandre baked them."

Tom horneó pan.

Tom baked bread.

Ella me horneó una torta.

- She made me a cake.
- She baked me a cake.

¿Probaste la torta que horneó Tom?

Did you try the cake that Tom baked?

Tom horneó un pastel para Mary.

- Tom baked a cake for Mary.
- Tom baked Mary a cake.

Mamá horneó un pastel para mi cumpleaños.

Mom baked a cake for my birthday.

Tom le horneó una tarta de calabaza a su esposa.

Tom baked his wife a pumpkin pie.

María horneó tres docenas de galletas para la fiesta de Tom.

Mary baked three dozen cookies for Tom's party.

- Ella me hizo una torta.
- Ella me preparó una tarta.
- Ella me horneó una torta.

She baked me a cake.