Translation of "Fortuna…" in English

0.018 sec.

Examples of using "Fortuna…" in a sentence and their english translations:

Amasó una fortuna.

He heaped up a fortune.

Hice una fortuna.

I made a fortune.

Amasé una fortuna.

I made a fortune.

Vale una fortuna.

It's worth a fortune.

La fortuna es ciega.

Luck is blind.

La fortuna le sonrió.

Fortune smiled on him.

Heredé la gran fortuna.

I came into a huge fortune.

Por fortuna pudieron escapar.

Fortunately, they were able to escape.

Perdió toda su fortuna.

He lost all his riches.

Te leeré la fortuna.

I'll read your fortune.

Asegúrate de que la fortuna que buscas es la fortuna que necesitas.

Make sure the fortune that you seek is the fortune that you need.

- Tiene que haber costado una fortuna.
- Debe de haber valido una fortuna.

- It must have cost a fortune.
- It must've cost a fortune.

Le costaría una pequeña fortuna.

it would cost a small fortune.

John heredó una enorme fortuna.

John inherited a large fortune.

Hizo una fortuna en petróleo.

He made a fortune in oil.

Mi tío hizo una fortuna.

My uncle made a fortune.

Este diamante cuesta una fortuna.

This diamond costs a fortune.

Él acumuló una gran fortuna.

He accumulated a large fortune.

Por fortuna no murió nadie.

Luckily nobody died.

Juan heredó una gran fortuna.

John inherited a large fortune.

Tom acumuló una gran fortuna.

Tom accumulated a large fortune.

Tuve la fortuna de conocerlo.

I was fortunate to make his acquaintance.

Y agrega riqueza a tu fortuna

and adds wealth to your fortune

El hombre amasó una gran fortuna.

The man built up a large fortune.

- Vale un dineral.
- Vale una fortuna.

It's worth a fortune.

La fortuna sonríe a los valientes.

- Fortune favors the bold.
- Fortune favours the brave.
- Fortune favors the brave.
- Fortune favours the bold.

Con fama viene la mala fortuna.

With fame comes misfortune.

Yo le envidio su buena fortuna.

I envied him his good fortune.

Tuve fortuna de ser el ganador.

Luckily, he won the championship.

Criar un hijo cuesta una fortuna.

Raising a child costs a fortune.

Está como loco por hacer fortuna.

He is burning to make a fortune.

Invertir toda su fortuna sería insuficiente.

Investing all his fortune would not be enough.

Perdió una fortuna en la bolsa.

He lost a fortune in the stock market.

La fortuna es una delicada flor.

Happiness is a delicate flower.

Tuve la fortuna de crecer entre hippies.

I had the good fortune to be raised by hippies.

Suerte y fortuna robaron el espíritu maligno

The chance and fortune that evil spirits stole

Déjame leer tu fortuna en las cartas.

Let me tell you your fortune with cards.

Es una fortuna que tengas tales padres.

It is fortunate that you have such parents.

Ella tuvo fortuna de superar el examen.

She was fortunate to pass the exam.

Ella está envidiosa de mi buena fortuna.

She is envious of my good fortune.

Mi abuela nos dejó una gran fortuna.

My grandmother left us a great fortune.

Mi padre me dejó una gran fortuna.

- My father left me a large fortune.
- My father left me a large inheritance.

Él reunió su fortuna con trabajo duro.

He accumulated his fortune by hard work.

Dejó una gran fortuna a su hijo.

He left a large fortune to his son.

No comprometan ustedes su fortuna en eso.

Don't risk your fortune on that.

Se ha desprendido de toda su fortuna.

He gave away his whole fortune.

¿Qué harías si tuvieras una gran fortuna?

What would you do if you had great wealth?

Tom debe de haberse gastado una fortuna.

- Tom must have spent a fortune.
- Tom must've spent a fortune.

O algo hicieron para atraer la buena fortuna?

Por fortuna, el cerebro tiene un ingenioso truco.

So your brain, luckily, has a neat trick.

La fortuna se ha vuelto a mi favor.

Fortune has turned in my favor.

Él se fundió su fortuna con el juego.

He consumed his fortune gambling.

Él le dejó una fortuna a su hijo.

- He left his son a fortune.
- He bequeathed his son a fortune.

Fred dejó a su mujer una gran fortuna.

Fred left his wife a large fortune.

Se gastó toda su fortuna en el juego.

He lost all his money playing cards.

Él juntó una gran fortuna antes de morirse.

He amassed a large fortune before he died.

Les dejó una enorme fortuna a sus hijos.

He left an immense fortune to his children.

Tom le dejó una fortuna a su esposa.

Tom left his wife a fortune.

Cada uno es herrero de su propia fortuna.

Everybody is the architect of their own fortune.

Él hizo una gran fortuna durante su vida.

He made a great fortune in his lifetime.

El nuevo negocio estaba acabando con su fortuna.

The new business was eating away his fortune.

Y tengo la fortuna de trabajar con una persona

And fortunately, I work for someone

La diligencia es la madre de la buena fortuna.

Diligence is the mother of good fortune.

Hizo una fortuna al escribir una novela best-seller.

He made a fortune by writing a best selling novel.

No era feliz a pesar de toda su fortuna.

He wasn't happy in spite of all his wealth.