Translation of "Vale" in English

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Vale" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Vale, vámonos.
- Vale, vamos.

Okay, let's go.

Vale, vale, ya voy.

Okay, okay, I'm going now.


- Good.
- Alright.
- Agreed.
- Ok.


- That's right!
- Right!

- ¿Vale con esto?
- ¿Vale esto?

Is that possible?

- Vale un dineral.
- Vale una fortuna.

It's worth a fortune.

Jorge, vale.

Jorge, OK.

¿Qué vale?

What's that worth?

- Vale.
- Bien.

- Fair enough!
- All right.
- Great!
- Okey-dokey.
- Okey doke.
- Good.
- Okay.
- OK.
- Alright.
- Fair enough.
- Gotcha.
- Agreed.
- Well!
- Ok.

¡Me vale!

Like I care!

Vale, cógelo.

Well, take it.

¿Eso vale?

Does that count?

- Vale.
- Bueno.

- All right.
- Okey-dokey.
- Okay.
- OK.
- Alright.
- Ok.

Bueno, vale.

Oh well.

Vale, vámonos.

Okay, let's go.

- Si, vale.

- Yeah, okay.

- No vale mucho.
- No vale gran cosa.

- It's not worth much.
- It isn't worth much.

- Pienso que él vale.
- Pienso que vale.

I think he's competent.

- ¿Seguro que vale la pena?
- ¿Vale la pena?

Is it worth the risk?

vale, vamos entiendo

ok come on I understand

Cualquier cosa vale.

Anything will do.

Ven conmigo, ¿vale?

Come with me, will you?

Pienso que vale.

- I think he's competent.
- I believe he is competent.

¿Qué pasa, vale?

What's up, dude?

Vale la pena.

It's worth it.

Déjame sola, ¿vale?

- Leave me alone, will you?
- Leave me alone, OK?

- Vale.
- De acuerdo.

- All right.
- Alright.

¿Cuánto vale esto?

How much is this worth?

- Vale.
- Está bien.

It's okay.

Déjame terminar, ¿vale?

Let me finish, OK?

No vale mucho.

It's not worth much.

¿Realmente lo vale?

Is this really worth it?

Vale una fortuna.

It's worth a fortune.

- ¡Muy bien!
- ¡Vale!

- Correct!
- Right!

¿Vale la pena?

Is it worth the risk?

Vale, no tardéis.

Alright, don't be long.

¿Qué vale esto?

what is this worth?

- Bueno, escucha.
- Vale, escucha.
- Bueno, escuchad.
- Bueno, atended.
- Vale, atendedme.

OK, listen up.

Si vale la pena hacerlo, vale la pena hacerlo bien.

If it is worth doing at all, it is worth doing well.

Sí, vale, OK. Dios.

Yes, fine, OK. My goodness.

Se quedan callados ¿vale?

you remain silent, okay?

Bien. Eso. Estupendo. Vale

You're good. That. Great. Okay.

Eso realmente vale mucho.

That's really worth a lot.

Pero, vale, es verdad.

But, okay, it's true.

¿Cuánto vale este vestido?

How much is this dress?

Me vale un bledo.

- I don't care a bean.
- I couldn't care less.

No vale la pena.

- It's not worth it.
- This isn't worth it.

Eso no vale mucho.

- This is not worth much.
- This isn't worth much.

Vamos en taxi, ¿vale?

Let's go by taxi, OK?

El silencio vale oro.

Silence is worth gold.

¡No vale la pena!

It isn't worth it!

- Vale.
- Bien.
- Sale.
- Bueno.

- All right.
- Okay.
- OK.
- Alright.

Duerme un poco, ¿vale?

Get some sleep, okay?

¿Crees que vale algo?

Do you think it's worth something?

Vale, pillo la idea.

OK, I get the idea.

¿Cuánto vale este anillo?

How much is this ring worth?

Vale la pena intentarlo.

It's worth a shot.

Olvídate de eso, ¿vale?

Forget about it, OK?

¿Cuánto vale para ti?

How much is it worth to you?

Haz como dije, ¿vale?

Do like I said, OK?

Dame un minuto, ¿vale?

Give me a minute, OK?

¿Cuánto vale esta gorra?

What is the price of this cap?

Dame solo uno, ¿vale?

Just give me one, will you?

- Vale.
- Entendido.
- Lo pillo.

- Gotcha!
- Gotcha.

- Vale.
- Sale.
- Bueno.
- ¡Órale!

- All right.
- Okey-dokey.
- Okay.
- OK.

No se vale rendirse.

We can't give up.

- ¿Cuánto es?
- ¿Cuánto vale?

How much is it?

Ya te vale, Tom.

Knock it off, Tom.

Eso vale trescientos dólares.

- That is worth three hundred dollars.
- That's worth three hundred dollars.

¿Cuánto vale esta cámara?

How much is this camera?

Vale, no pasa nada.

OK, no big deal.

Realmente vale la pena.

It's really worth it.

¿Cuánto vale una noche?

How much for the night?

No bebas demasiado, ¿vale?

Don't drink too much, okay?

Vale. Estoy de acuerdo.

OK. I agree.

¿Cuánto vale este reloj?

How much is this watch worth?