Translation of "Contrataron" in English

0.032 sec.

Examples of using "Contrataron" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Contrataron a un maestro.
- Contrataron a una maestra.
- Ellos contrataron a un maestro.
- Ellos contrataron a una maestra.
- Ellas contrataron a un maestro.
- Ellas contrataron a una maestra.

They hired a teacher.

Me contrataron para encontrarlos.

I've been hired to find them.

Contrataron a otra persona.

They hired someone else.

Contrataron a la candidata fea.

They hired the ugly candidate.

Ellas contrataron a un maestro.

They hired a teacher.

Ellos contrataron a un maestro.

They hired a teacher.

- Ellos no contrataron al candidato feo.
- Ellas no contrataron a la candidata fea.

They didn't hire the ugly candidate.

¡Y lo contrataron de la NASA!

And was hired at the NASA!

Contrataron a todo un ejército de abogados

They hired an army of lawyers

contrataron a un ejército de científicos y médicos

hired an army of doctors and scientists

Tom quería el trabajo, pero no lo contrataron.

Tom wanted the job, but they didn't hire him.

Se contrataron detectives privados para investigar el caso extraño.

Private detectives were hired to look into the strange case.

Cuando tenía 17, me contrataron para el Birmingham Royal Ballet

When I was 17, I got a contract to the Birmingham Royal Ballet

Los europeos contrataron a un exorcista para limpiar su continente de demonios.

The Europeans hired an exorcist to cleanse their continent of demons.

El prestidigitador que contrataron para la fiesta de mi hermano era muy malo: me hizo sacar una carta de la baraja, pero no fue capaz de adivinarla.

The magician they hired for my brother's party was so bad. He made me pick a card out of a deck, but he wasn't able to guess which one it was.