Translation of "студии" in English

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Examples of using "студии" in a sentence and their english translations:

Как так? Разве вы не пошли на Луну, но все они были взяты в студии?

How so? Didn't you go to the moon but all of them were taken in a studio?

У этих чайников 1935 года от Студии Ван Бёрена есть они. У этой кинокамеры тоже.

These 1935 tea kettles from Van Beuren Studio have them. This movie camera does too.

Будучи в Париже, я познакомился с двумя-тремя художниками и время от времени посещал их студии. Меня всякий раз завораживали методы их работы и образ жизни.

When I was in Paris, I became acquainted with two or three painters, and I went to visit their atelier from time to time. I was always fascinated by their method of work and their way of life.