Translation of "On”" in English

0.019 sec.

Examples of using "On”" in a sentence and their english translations:

- On umarł.
- On zmarł.

He passed away.

- On się stara.
- On próbuje.

He tries.

- Czy on śpi?
- On śpi?

Is he sleeping?

- On wyszedł.
- Wyszedł.
- On odszedł.

He has gone out.

- On ma rakietę.
- On ma rakietkę.
- On ma kij.

He has a racket.

- On lubi awanturę.
- On lubi przeżycie.

- He likes adventure.
- He likes adventures.

On poświadcza, że on powiedział prawdę.

He makes sure that he tells the truth.

- On sprzedaje auta.
- On sprzedaje samochody.

He sells cars.

- Śpi?
- Czy on śpi?
- On śpi?

- Is he sleeping?
- Is he asleep?

Oto on.

There's our guy.

On tyje.

He is putting on weight.

On kłamie.

- He is lying.
- He is telling a lie.
- He's lying.
- He lies.

On pobiegł.

He ran.

On gra.

He is playing music.

On pływa.

- He's swimming.
- She swims.
- He swims.
- She's swimming.

On dzwoni.

He's talking on the telephone.

On przyszedł.

He came.

On zrozumie.

He'll understand.

On oszalał.

He has gone mad.

On łysieje.

He's going bald.

On sprawował.

Tom exercised.

On sprawuje.

Tom exercises.

On popłakiwał.

- He was crying.
- He was sobbing.

On przyszedł!

He has come!

On przyjdzie.

- He will come.
- He'll come.

On biega.

He runs.

On odszedł.

- He has gone out.
- He walked away.

On pije.

He drinks.

On uczy.

He teaches.

On idzie.

- He is walking.
- He walks.

On czeka.

- He is waiting.
- He's waiting.

On stał.

He was standing.

On wyzdrowiał.

He got well again.

On śpi.

- He is asleep.
- He's asleep.

- On ma drugie śniadanie.
- On ma bento.

He has a lunch.

- On zna francuski.
- On mówi po francusku.

- He speaks French.
- She speaks French.
- Speak French.

- On nienawidzi Nancy.
- On nie cierpi Nancy.

He hates Nancy.

- On jest szefem.
- To on jest szefem.

He's the boss.

- On ma podwójną osobowość.
- On ma rozdwojenie osobowości.

- He has a dual personality.
- He has a split personality.

- On ma dobre wiadomości.
- On jest dobrze poinformowany.

He's a well-informed person.

- On nie jest kłamcą.
- On absolutnie nie kłamie.

He is the last man to tell a lie.

- On jest wykończony.
- On ledwo żyje ze zmęczenia.

He was completely fagged out.

- On nas nie lubi.
- On nie lubi nas.

- He doesn't like us.
- He does not like us.

- On nie jest głupi.
- On nie jest durniem.

- He is not stupid.
- He's not stupid.

- On jest pisarzem.
- On jest autorem.
- Jest pisarzem.

- He's an author.
- He is a writer.
- He is an author.

- On temu nie podoła.
- On nie da rady.

He can't make this.

- On uwielbia oglądać telewizję.
- On lubi oglądać telewizję.

- He likes to watch TV.
- He likes watching TV.

- On pije za dużo.
- On za dużo pije.

- He drinks too much.
- He drinks to excess.
- He drinks too much alcohol.

- On uczy się esperanto.
- On uczy się esperanta.

He's learning Esperanto.

- On być może przyjdzie.
- Być może on przyjdzie.

Perhaps he will come.

- On bardzo lubi łowić ryby.
- On uwielbia wędkować.

She loves to fish.

On byłby szczęśliwy.

He would have been happy.

Zakorzenia on samonienawiść,

That way lies self-hatred,

Gdzie on jest?

Where is he?

Tak, to on.

[Bear] Yeah, there we go.

On jest blondynem.

- He has blond hair.
- He's blond.

On jest uczonym.

He is a scientist.

On jest okropny.

He is nasty.

On wygląda podejrzanie.

He looks suspicious.

On jest nieuchwytny.

He's like an eel.

On dotrzymuje obietnic.

He always keeps his word.

On słabo widzi.

- His eyesight is bad.
- He has bad eyes.

On popiera demokrację.

He stands for democracy.

On czyta książkę.

- He is reading a book.
- He reads a book.

On jest zapominalski.

He is apt to forget.

On uprawia ryż.

He grows rice.

On zadziera nosa.

He has a long nose.

On zna tajemnicę.

He knows the secret.

On ją kocha.

- He is in love with her.
- He loves her.

On nadużył przywilejów.

He abused the privilege.

On lubi zwierzęta.

- He loves animals.
- He likes animals.

- On biega.
- Biega.

He runs.

On jest wrażliwy.

He is delicate.

On jest biologiem.

He is a biologist.

On szuka pracy.

- He is looking for a job.
- He is seeking employment.
- He is after a job.

On młodo wygląda.

He looks young.

On nienawidzi węży.

He has an abhorrence of snakes.

On myje samochód.

- He is washing the car.
- He is washing a car.

On świetnie strzela.

He is a good shot.

Czy on umrze?

Will he die?

On jest pisarzem.

- He writes books.
- He's an author.
- He is a writer.

On handluje ziarnem.

He deals in grain.

On dużo zarabia.

He gets a high salary.

On szybko liczy.

He is quick at figures.

On jest detektywem.

He is a detective.

On jest silny.

- He is powerful.
- She is strong.
- They're strong.

On wkrótce wydobrzeje.

It won't be a long time before he gets well.

On ma brodę.

He has a beard.