Translation of "Ojca" in English

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Ojca" in a sentence and their english translations:

Pozdrów ojca.

Say hello to your father for me.

- Odwiedziłem grób mojego ojca.
- Odwiedziłem grób ojca.

- I visited my father's grave.
- I've visited my father's grave.

"Ojca Chrzestnego" , "Kasyno"...

'Godfather', 'Goodfellas', 'Casino'.

Próbowała przekonać ojca.

She attempted to persuade her father.

Odziedziczył majątek ojca.

He succeeded to his father's estate.

Zgubił zegarek ojca.

He has lost his father's watch.

Proszę pozdrów ojca.

Best regards to your father.

Znam twojego ojca.

I know your father.

Słuchaj swojego ojca.

Listen to your father.

Znasz mojego ojca?

Do you know my father?

Widziałem twojego ojca.

I saw your father.

Usiądź koło ojca.

- Go and sit by your father.
- Come and sit by me.

Znałem twojego ojca.

I knew your father.

Teraz czas na ojca.

Now Dad's awake.

Szukam prezentu dla ojca.

I'm looking for a gift for my father.

Jest podobny do ojca.

- He takes after his father.
- He looks like my father.

Wstydzi się biednego ojca.

He is ashamed of his father being poor.

Poszedł w ślady ojca.

He succeeded to his father's business.

Jest wyższy od ojca.

He is taller than his father.

Pomścił śmierć swojego ojca.

He avenged his dead father.

Widzisz ojca i matkę?

Do you see the father and the mother?

Nie zna swojego ojca.

- He doesn't know his father.
- She doesn't know her father.

Zignorował rady swojego ojca.

He ignored his father's advice.

Chciałabym poznać jego ojca.

I would like to meet his father.

Wczoraj spotkałem twojego ojca.

I met your father yesterday.

Nieco przypomina swojego ojca.

- He is a bit like his father.
- He somewhat resembles his father.

Tutaj jest kapelusz ojca.

Here is the father's hat.

Poznałem kiedyś twego ojca.

I met your father once.

Jest kopią swojego ojca.

He is the very image of his father.

On boi się ojca.

He's afraid of his father.

Odwiedziliśmy grób naszego ojca.

We visited our father's grave.

Życzenia zdrowia dla ojca.

My wishes for your father's rapid recovery.

Skąd znasz mojego ojca?

How do you know my father?

- Brat mojego ojca to mój wujek.
- Brat mojego ojca jest moim wujkiem.
- Brat mojego ojca jest moim stryjem.

My father's brother is my uncle.

Lub na farmie twojego ojca?

or on your father's farm?

Dziewczynka objęła ojca za szyję.

The girl threw her arms around her father's neck.

To dziecko przypomina swojego ojca.

That child resembles his father.

Samochód mojego ojca jest nowy.

My father's car is new.

Samochód mojego ojca jest włoski.

My father's car is made in Italy.

Jest podobna do swego ojca.

She takes after her father.

Dostała od ojca parę butów.

She got a pair of shoes from Father.

On zupełnie nie słucha ojca.

- He never takes any notice of what his father says.
- He never listens to what his father says.

Znalazła ojca leżącego w kuchni.

He found his father lying in the kitchen.

Był smutny, ponieważ stracił ojca.

He felt sad because he lost his father.

Pojechał tam zamiast swojego ojca.

- He went there instead of his father.
- I went there instead of my father.

Prowadzi interesy w zastępstwie ojca.

He is managing the business for his father.

Spotkałem na ulicy jego ojca.

I met his father on the street.

Nigdy nie znałem swego ojca.

I never knew my father.

To jest dom mojego ojca.

This house is my father's.

Jack podobny jest do ojca.

Jack resembles his father.

Poprosiłem mojego ojca o pomoc.

I asked for my father's help.

Szukam prezentu dla mojego ojca.

I'm looking for a gift for my father.

Znam bardzo dobrze twojego ojca.

I know your father very well.

Hobby mojego ojca to wędkarstwo.

My father's hobby is fishing.

Tom był kolegą mojego ojca.

Tom was a friend of my father's.

To portret mojego zmarłego ojca.

This is a portrait of my late father.

Pozdrów ode mnie swojego ojca.

Say hello to your father for me.

Ojca nie ma w domu.

Dad's not home.

Jim jest podobny do ojca.

Jim resembles his father.

On przejął interes swojego ojca.

- He has taken over his father's business.
- He took over the business from his father.

- Bill charakterem jest podobny do swego ojca.
- Bill z charakteru przypomina swego ojca.

Bill resembles his father in character.

Profesor Hudson jest przyjacielem mojego ojca.

Professor Hudson is my father's friend.

Ta cyja to prezent od ojca?

Is the harmonica a present from his father?

Wina jest po stronie mojego ojca.

The fault is on the part of my father.

Dziecko nie mogło pojąć śmierci ojca.

The child was incapable of understanding his father's death.

Po śmierci ojca doświadczyła strasznych rzeczy.

Since her father's death, she has gone through a lot of hardships.

Kierował firmą w czasie choroby ojca.

He managed the company while his father was ill.

Kiedy zobaczyła ciało ojca, rozpłakała się.

She cried at the sight of her father's dead body.

Wyszła za mąż wbrew woli ojca.

She got married against her father's will.

Zrobiła się głucha na swojego ojca.

She turns a deaf ear to her father.

Po śmierci ojca przejął rodzinny interes.

He took charge of the family business after his father died.

Naoto jest podobny do swego ojca.

Naoto takes after his father in appearance.

Pokój mojego ojca jest bardzo duży.

My father's room is very big.

Myślisz, że jest podobny do ojca?

Do you think he resembles his father?

Czasami słyszę ojca spiewającego w łazience.

I sometimes hear my father singing in the bathroom.

Mojego ojca nie ma w domu.

- My father isn't at home.
- My father isn't home.

Może być dumny ze swojego ojca.

- He may well be proud of his father.
- He can be proud of his father.

Niestety ojca nie ma w domu.

- I'm sorry, my father is out.
- I'm sorry my father is out.
- Unfortunately, my father isn't at home.

To jeden z uczniów mojego ojca.

You see, the first of the students is my father.

Samolot wylądował na farmie mojego ojca.

The plane landed on my dad's farm.

Niemowlak jest podobny do swojego ojca.

The baby takes after its father.

Jestem teraz niezależny od mojego ojca.

I am now independent of my father.

Brat mojego ojca to mój wujek.

My father's brother is my uncle.

Proszę poinformować ojca o moim przyjeździe.

- Inform your father of my arrival.
- Tell my father that I've arrived.