Translation of "Jaka" in English

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Jaka" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Jaka pogoda?
- Jaka jest pogoda?

- What's the weather like?
- What is the weather like?

Jaka szkoda...

What a pity!

Jaka pogoda?

- How's the weather?
- How is the weather?
- What's the weather like?

Jaka szkoda!

How unfortunate!

- Jaka jest dzisiaj pogoda?
- Jaka jest dzisiejsza pogoda?

How is the weather today?

Jaka jest temperatura?

- What's the temperature?
- What is the temperature?

Jaka piękna tęcza!

What a beautiful rainbow!

Jaka nieziemska suknia.

What a heavenly dress!

Jaka grupa krwi?

- What is your blood type?
- What's your blood type?

Jaka duża książka!

What a big book!

Jaka jest zasada?

What's the rule?

Jaka jest potrzeba?

What's the urgency?

Jaka wysoka góra!

- How high mountain that is!
- What a tall mountain!

Jaka piękna muzyka!

Such a wonderful music!

Jaka jest różnica?

- What's the difference?
- What is the difference?

Jaka jest woda?

How's the water?

Jaka brzydka sukienka!

What an ugly dress!

Jaka radosna uroczystość!

What a joyous celebration!

Jaka jest następna stacja?

- What is the next stop?
- What's the next stop?

Jaka jest tam pogoda?

- How's the weather there?
- How is the weather there?

Jaka była przyczyna eksplozji?

What was the cause of the explosion?

Jaka jutro będzie pogoda?

- What's the temperature going to be tomorrow?
- What's the weather tomorrow?

Jaka jest godzina przyjazdu?

What is the arrival time?

Jaka ona jest ładna!

How beautiful she is!

Jaka tu jest woda?

How's the water here?

Jaka była wczoraj pogoda?

- What was the weather yesterday?
- How was the weather yesterday?

Jaka jest dzisiejsza data?

- What is the date today?
- What's the date today?
- What is today's date?
- What's today's date?
- What date is today?

Jaka jest twoja odpowiedź?

What's your answer?

Jaka jest ta nauczycielka?

How is this teacher?

- Jaka szkoda!
- Niestety!
- Trudno.

What a pity!

Jaka szamotanina tam była!

What a struggle where was!

Jaka jest cena biletu?

- What's the price of a ticket?
- How much is a ticket?

Jaka koszula jest różowa?

What shirt is pink?

Jaka będzie jutro pogoda?

- What will the weather be like tomorrow?
- How will the weather be tomorrow?
- What will tomorrow's weather be like?
- What'll tomorrow's weather be like?
- What'll the weather be like tomorrow?
- What's the weather going to be like tomorrow?

Jaka jest dzisiaj data?

- What is the date today?
- What's the date today?
- What is today's date?
- What's today's date?
- What date is today?

Jaka jest wysokość Everestu?

What is the height of Mt. Everest?

Spójrz, jaka piękna jaszczurka!

Look, what a beautiful lizard!

Jaka jest populacja Francji?

What is the population of France?

- Zastanawiam się jaka jutro będzie pogoda.
- Ciekawe jaka będzie jutro pogoda.

I wonder what the weather will be like tomorrow.

Pogrzebią mnie taką, jaka jestem,

I'm going into the ground just the way I am,

Jaka jest twoja ulubiona drużyna?

Which is your favorite team?

Jaka jest grubość tej deski?

How thick is the board?

Jaka dziewczyna mogłaby go pokochać?

Can any girl like him?

Jaka jest średnica tego stawu?

What is the distance across the pond?

Jaka jest twoja ulubiona piosenka?

- What's your favorite song?
- What is your favorite song?
- What is your favourite song?

Jaka jest jego najnowsza powieść?

What's his most recent novel?

Jaka jest twoja ulubiona reklama?

- What's your favorite commercial?
- What's your favourite advert?
- What is your favourite advert?

Jaka jest twoja ulubiona rozrywka?

What's your favorite hang-out?

Jaka jest twoja ulubiona fryzura?

What's your favorite hair style?

Jaka jest najwyższa góra Europy?

- What is the tallest mountain in Europe?
- What's the tallest mountain in Europe?

Jaka jest wysokość tego płaskowyżu?

What is the altitude of the plateau?

Jaka jest twoja ulubiona dyscyplina?

- What's your favorite sport?
- What is your favorite sport?

Jaka jest najcieplejsza pora roku?

Which is the hottest of all the seasons?

Jaka jest twoja grupa krwi?

- What's your blood group?
- What is your blood type?
- What's your blood type?

Jaka z niej piękna kobieta!

What a beautiful woman she is!

Jaka jest zaleta tej technologii?

- What is the advantage of this technology?
- What is the advantage of that technology?

Jaka jest powierzchnia tego domu?

What is the area of this house?

Jaka jest twoja data urodzenia?

- What is your date of birth?
- What's your date of birth?

Jaka jest twoja ulubiona kreskówka?

What's your favorite cartoon?

Jaka jest twoja ulubiona bajka?

What's your favorite fairy tale?

Jaka jest twoja ulubiona gra?

What's your favorite game?

Jaka jest twoja ulubiona przeglądarka?

What's your favorite web browser?

Jaka jest planowana godzina odlotu?

- What time is your plane due to take off?
- What time is your plane scheduled to leave?
- What time is your plane scheduled to take off?
- When does your plane depart?

Jaka jest twoja ulubiona samogłoska?

What is your favorite vowel?

Ciekawe jaka będzie jutro pogoda.

- How will the weather be tomorrow?
- What will tomorrow's weather be like?
- What'll tomorrow's weather be like?

Jaka jest ostatnia litera alfabetu?

What's the last letter of the alphabet?

- Jaka jest różnica między tym i tamtym?
- Jaka jest różnica między tym a tamtym?

What is the difference between this and that?

Jaka jest najtrudniejsza rzecz do narysowania?

What are the most difficult things to draw?

Jaka jest najlepsza pozycja do spania?

What's the best sleeping position?