Translation of "것들이죠" in English

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Examples of using "것들이죠" in a sentence and their english translations:

정말 분노같은 것들이죠.

rageful, really --

생명공학, 통신, 기반시설 같은 것들이죠.

biotechnology, communications, infrastructure, and all of that.

정부에 대한 불신 같은 것들이죠.

and a lack of trust in government.

AI가 할 수 없는 것들이죠.

Those are things that AI cannot do.

여러분이 업무 능력을 방해하는 것들이죠.

that impede your ability to do your work well.

뭘 먹는지, 어디에 있는지, 누구와 있는지 같은 것들이죠.

like what they eat, where they are, who they're with.

우리가 알고 있어야 있지만, 사실 왜 그런지 단서조차 없는 것들이죠.

that we ought to know, but we really haven't a clue.

우리가 몇 분 또는 심지어 몇 초 동안만 사용하고 버리는 것들이죠.

we use only for a few minutes or even a few seconds before they become trash.