Translation of "British" in Italian

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Examples of using "British" in a sentence and their italian translations:

But were slowly pushed back by the British.

but were slowly pushed back by the British.

An der Westfront, Französisch, British und Belgische Truppen werden gegen die Deutschen gegraben,

Sul Fronte Occidentale, francesi, britannici e belgi le truppe sono trincerate contro i tedeschi,

Napoleon saw a chance to get to grips with the British at last.

Napoleon saw a chance to get to grips with the British at last.

So the British attack at Cambrai, with the first major tank assault in history.

Allora i britannici attaccano a Cambrai, con il primo massiccio assalto di carri armati della storia.

At Kiel, the German High Seas Fleet is ordered to make a suicidal attack on the British navy,

A Kiel, alla flotta d'alto mare tedesca viene ordinato di compiere un attacco suicida contro la flotta britannica