Translation of " was" in English

0.019 sec.

Examples of using " was" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Was geschieht?
- Was passiert?

- What's going on?
- What is going on?

- Was?
- Was ist los?

- What?
- What's the matter?

- Was passierte?
- Was ist los?
- Was ist passiert?
- Was ist geschehen?

- What happened?
- What's the matter?
- What's happened?
- What has happened?

- Was glaubst du, was Tom vorhat?
- Was glaubt ihr, was Tom vorhat?
- Was glauben Sie, was Tom vorhat?

What do you think Tom has in mind?

- Was passierte?
- Was ist passiert?
- Was ist geschehen?
- Was war los?
- Was hat sich zugetragen?

- What is it?
- What happened?
- What's happened?

- Was wollen Sie?
- Was möchten Sie?
- Was möchtest du?
- Was darf’s denn sein?
- Was wünschen Sie?
- Was möchtet ihr?

- What do you wish for?
- What would you like?
- What do you desire?


- What?
- Pardon?

- Was?

- What?

- Was ist los?
- Was geht?
- Was ist hier los?
- Was gibt es?

- What's going on?
- What is going on?
- What is happening?
- What's happening?
- What's shaking?

- Was passierte?
- Was ist passiert?
- Was ist geschehen?
- Was hat sich zugetragen?

- What happened?
- What's the matter?
- What's happened?
- What has happened?

- Was willst du?
- Was wollen Sie?
- Was möchten Sie?
- Was möchtest du?

What do you want?

- Was passierte?
- Was ist passiert?

- What happened?
- What's the matter?
- What's happened?
- What has happened?

- Was ist los?
- Was ist?

- What is it?
- What's the matter?
- What's wrong?
- What gives?

- Was passierte?
- Was ist geschehen?

- What happened?
- What's happened?

- Was meint der Arzt, was du hast?
- Was meint der Arzt, was er hat?
- Was meint der Arzt, was sie hat?
- Was meint der Arzt, was ich habe?

What does the doctor think is wrong?

- Was macht sie?
- Was macht er?
- Was tut sie?

- What is he doing?
- What does she do?
- What is she about?
- What's she doing?
- What does he do?

- Was brauchen Sie?
- Was brauchst du?
- Was braucht ihr?

What do you need?

- Was motiviert dich?
- Was motiviert Sie?
- Was motiviert euch?

What motivates you?

- Was bedeutet Tatoeba?
- Was bedeutet „Tatoeba“?
- Was heißt „Tatoeba“?

- What does "Tatoeba" mean?
- What does TATOEBA mean?
- What does the word "Tatoeba" mean?

- Was denkst du?
- Was denkt ihr?
- Was denken Sie?

- What's on your mind?
- What're you thinking?
- What are you thinking?

- Was weißt du?
- Was wissen Sie?
- Was wisst ihr?

What do you know?

- Was sagst du?
- Was sagen Sie?
- Was sagt ihr?

- What're you saying?
- What are you saying?

- Was verkaufen Sie?
- Was verkaufst du?
- Was verkauft ihr?

What are you selling?

- Was passierte?
- Was ist geschehen?
- Was hat sich zugetragen?

- What happened?
- What's the dealio?

- Was kochst du?
- Was kochen Sie?
- Was kocht ihr?

What are you cooking?

- Was willst du?
- Was wollt ihr?
- Was wollen Sie?

- What do you want?
- What do you guys want?

- Was lernst du?
- Was lernt ihr?
- Was lernen Sie?

What do you learn?

- Was wünschen Sie?
- Was wünschst du?
- Was wünscht ihr?

What are your wishes?

- Sie sind was?
- Du bist was?
- Ihr seid was?

You're what?

- Was inspiriert dich?
- Was inspiriert euch?
- Was inspiriert Sie?

What inspires you?

- Was backt ihr?
- Was bäckst du?
- Was backen Sie?

What are you baking?

- Was sagen Sie?
- Was sagt er?
- Was sagt sie?

- What does he say?
- What does she say?
- What is she saying?
- What is he saying?

- Was schreibst du?
- Was schreibst du gerade?
- Was schreiben Sie?
- Was schreibt ihr?

- What are you writing?
- What're you writing?

- Was kochst du?
- Was kochen Sie?
- Was kocht ihr?
- Was kochst du da?

- What are you cooking?
- What meal are you making?

- Was möchten Sie?
- Was möchtest du?
- Was möchtet ihr?
- Was darf es sein?

What would you like?

- Was möchten Sie?
- Was möchtest du?
- Was darf’s denn sein?
- Was wünschen Sie?

What would you like?

- Was ist los?
- Was ist passiert?
- Was ist geschehen?
- Was hat sich zugetragen?

What happened?

- Was denkst du, was das heißt?
- Was meinst du, was da steht?
- Was denkst du, bedeutet das?

What do you think it says?

- Was liebst du? Was liebst du nicht?
- Was liebt ihr? Was liebt ihr nicht?
- Was lieben Sie? Was lieben Sie nicht?

What do you love? What don't you love?

- Was fehlt?
- Wonach suchen Sie?
- Was suchst du?
- Was suchen Sie?
- Was sucht ihr?

- What are you looking for?
- What're you looking for?
- What are you searching for?
- What're you guys looking for?

- Was machst du?
- Was machst du gerade?
- Was machen Sie?
- Was machst du da?

- What are you doing?
- What're you doing?

- Was hast du gesagt?
- Was haben Sie gesagt?
- Was sagtest du?
- Was sagten Sie?

- Pardon me?
- What did you say?
- What'd you say?

- Was wirst du haben?
- Was nimmst du?
- Was bekommen Sie?

What are you going to have?

- Was ist los?
- Was geht?
- Na, wie geht's?
- Was gibt's?

- What's up?
- S'up?
- How's your walk?

- Was geschah dann?
- Was geschah danach?
- Was ist dann geschehen?

What happened next?

- Was ist neu?
- Was gibt es Neues?
- Was gibt’s Neues?

- What's new?
- What's up?
- Anything new?
- What is new?
- Which is new?

- Was bedeutet das?
- Was heißt das?
- Was bedeutet das hier?

What does this mean?

- Was bedeutet das?
- Was bedeutet das hier?
- Was bedeutet es?

- What does this stand for?
- What does it mean?
- What does this mean?
- What does that mean?
- What's the meaning of that?
- What's the meaning of this?

- Was meinst du?
- Was meinen Sie?
- Was ist deine Meinung?

- What's your opinion?
- What is your opinion?

- Was verlangt Tom?
- Was fragt Tom?
- Um was bittet Tom?

What's Tom asking?

Was liegt an? Was weißt du?

What's up? What do you know?

Ich weiß nicht, was was ist.

I don't know which is which.

- Was macht sie?
- Was tut sie?

- What is he doing?
- What does she do?

- Was bedeutet das?
- Was heißt das?

- What does this stand for?
- What does it mean?
- What does this mean?
- What's the meaning of that?

- Was sagen Sie?
- Was sagt ihr?

What're you saying?

- Sie sind was?
- Ihr seid was?

You're what?

- Was verkaufen Sie?
- Was verkauft ihr?

What are you selling?

- Was ist los?
- Was gibt’s Neues?

What gives?

- Was ist los?
- Was läuft falsch?

What's wrong?

- Was wollt ihr?
- Was wollen Sie?

- What do you want?
- What is it that you want?

- Was sagst du?
- Was sagen Sie?

What do you say?

- Was möchtest du?
- Was wünschst du?

What are your wishes?

- Was gibt’s Neues?
- Was gibt es?

- What's going on?
- What is going on?
- What's up?
- What gives?

- Was trinkst du?
- Was trinkt ihr?

What are you guys drinking?

- Was machen Sie?
- Was macht ihr?

- What are you doing?
- What do you do?
- What're you doing?
- What is it you do?

- Was übersehe ich?
- Was fehlt mir?

What am I missing?

- Was kochen Sie?
- Was kocht ihr?

What are you cooking?

- Was soll ich tun?
- Was tun?

- What should I do?
- What to do?
- What shall we do?

- Was brauchen Sie?
- Was braucht ihr?

What do you need?

- Was lernst du?
- Was studierst du?

- What do you learn?
- What are you learning?

- Was willst du?
- Was möchtest du?

- What do you want?
- What're you after?
- What are you after?

Was glaubst du, was ich denke?

What do you think I'm thinking?

Was denkst du, was sie wollen?

What do you think they want?

Was denkst du, was Tom will?

What do you think Tom wants?

- Was denkst du?
- Was denken Sie?

What do you think?

Was denkst du, was ist richtig?

Which one do you think is correct?

- Was machen sie?
- Was machen die?

What do they do?

Was glaubst du, was will Tom?

What do you think Tom wants?

- Was wird passieren?
- Was kommt vor?

What'll happen?