Translation of "Sortit…" in English

0.009 sec.

Examples of using "Sortit…" in a sentence and their english translations:

Elle sortit.

She went out.

Yanni sortit.

Yanni left.

Il sortit manger.

- He went out to eat.
- He ate out.

- Il se vêtit et sortit.
- Il s'habilla et sortit.

- She got dressed and went outside.
- He got dressed and went outside.

- Il sortit de la pièce.
- Il sortit de la chambre.

He left the room.

Akira sortit quelques minutes.

Akira went out for a few minutes.

Tom sortit les poubelles.

Tom took out the garbage.

Tom sortit un crayon.

Tom pulled out a pencil.

Il sortit son passeport.

He took out his passport.

Elle sortit de là.

She came out of there.

Il s'habilla et sortit.

He got dressed and went outside.

Il sortit un cahier.

He pulled out a notebook.

Il sortit malgré la pluie.

He went out in spite of the rain.

Il sortit de la chambre.

He came out of the room.

Une grenouille sortit de l'eau.

A frog came out of the water.

Il sortit par la fenêtre.

He crawled out of the window.

Il sortit de la pièce.

He went out of the room.

Tom sortit de la baignoire.

Tom got out of the bath.

Tom sortit rapidement du véhicule.

Tom quickly got out of the car.

Il sortit de la rivière.

He went out of the river.

L'acteur sortit de derrière le rideau.

The actor came out from behind the curtain.

Elle sortit sans dire un mot.

She went out without saying a word.

Il sortit de sous la voiture.

He got out from under the car.

Il sortit du taxi en vitesse.

He got out of the cab in haste.

Il sortit sans dire un mot.

- He went out without saying a word.
- He withdrew without saying a word.

Elle sortit quelque chose du sac.

She took something out of the bag.

Il sortit de derrière le rideau.

He came out from behind the curtain.

Il sortit en trombe du bureau.

He rushed out of the office.

Ayant fait son travail, il sortit.

Having done his work, he went out.

Tom sortit un sac de guimauves.

Tom took out a bag of marshmallows.

Sami ouvrit la porte et sortit.

Sami opened a door and walked out.

Un flot de gens sortit du théâtre.

A stream of people came out of the theater.

Toute la famille sortit de la voiture.

All the family got out of the car.

John sortit une clé de sa poche.

John took a key out of his pocket.

Il sortit un dollar de son portefeuille.

He took out a dollar from his wallet.

Il sortit se promener avec son chien.

He went out for a walk with his dog.

Il sortit une pièce de sa poche.

He took a coin out of his pocket.

Il sortit en dépit de la tempête.

In spite of the storm, he went out.

Elle sortit en hâte de sa chambre.

She left her room in haste.

Il sortit une grosse truite de l'eau.

He landed a big trout.

Tom sortit son portefeuille pour payer l'addition.

Tom took out his wallet to pay the bill.

La porte s'ouvrit et un homme sortit.

The door opened and a man came out.

Après avoir fini son travail, il sortit.

Having done his work, he went out.

- Il sortit manger.
- Il est sorti manger.

He went out to eat.

Il sortit les œufs un à un.

He took the eggs out one by one.

Il sortit son portefeuille de sa poche.

He took his wallet out of his pocket.

Il sortit, cédant à une impulsion soudaine.

He went out, yielding to a sudden impulse.

Sur ce, il se leva et sortit.

At this, he got up and went out.

Thomas sortit à reculons de la chambre.

Tom backed out of the room.

De la fumée noire sortit de la cheminée.

Black smoke came out of the chimney.

Après que la pièce fût rangée, elle sortit.

After the room was tidied up, she went out.

Il sortit un livre et commença à le lire.

He got out a book and began to read it.

- Il sortit de la pièce.
- Il quitta la pièce.

- He went out of the room.
- He left the room.

- Il sortit son mouchoir.
- Il a sorti son mouchoir.

He took out his handkerchief.

Aussitôt qu'il sortit dehors, il a commencé à pleuvoir.

As soon as he went out, it began to rain.

Tom sortit son portable pour pouvoir prendre un selfie.

Tom took out his cell phone so that he could take a selfie.