Translation of "Ramassa" in English

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Ramassa" in a sentence and their english translations:

Elle ramassa une pierre.

She picked up a stone.

Il ramassa une pierre.

He picked up a stone.

Elle ramassa ses jouets.

She picked up her toys.

Il ramassa une pierre rouge.

He picked up a red stone.

Il ramassa un mouchoir sur le sol.

He picked up a handkerchief from the floor.

Tom se pencha et ramassa une pierre.

Tom leaned down and picked up a rock.

Elle se baissa et ramassa la pièce.

She bent down and picked up the coin.

Elle se pencha et ramassa un caillou.

She stooped to pick up a pebble.

Tom ramassa de jolis coquillages sur la plage.

Tom picked up some pretty shells on the beach.

Tom se pencha et ramassa une poignée de sable.

Tom bent down and picked up a handful of sand.

L'oiseau ramassa la brindille avec son bec et vola vers son nid.

The bird picked up the twig with its beak and flew to its nest.

- Tom ramassa quelque chose du plancher.
- Tom a pris quelque chose par terre.

Tom picked something up off the floor.

- Tom vit le journal sur le sol et le ramassa.
- Tom a vu le journal sur le sol et l'a ramassé.

Tom saw the newspaper on the floor and picked it up.