Translation of "Observa" in English

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Observa" in a sentence and their english translations:

Le petit garçon observa les oiseaux toute la journée.

The boy observed the birds all day.

Il observa la course de chevaux à l'aide de ses jumelles.

He watched the horse race with his binoculars.

Il observa que la gorge profonde au sud limiterait les manœuvres de cavalerie et

He observed that the deep gorge to the south would restrict cavalry maneuvers and offer

- Le petit garçon observa les oiseaux toute la journée.
- Le garçon contemplait les oiseaux toute la journée.

The boy observed the birds all day.

- Il observait la course hippique avec ses jumelles.
- Il observa la course de chevaux à l'aide de ses jumelles.

- He watched the horse racing through his binoculars.
- He watched the horse race with his binoculars.