Translation of "Fut" in English

0.027 sec.

Examples of using "Fut" in a sentence and their english translations:

- Ce fut magnifique.
- Ce fut fabuleux.

It was fabulous.

- L'insurrection fut écrasée.
- Le soulèvement fut réprimé.

- The riot was put down.
- The rebellion was suppressed.
- The uprising was crushed.

- Tom fut sauvagement passé à tabac.
- Tom fut gravement battu.
- Tom fut violemment passé à tabac.
- Tom fut battu brutalement.
- Tom fut roué de coups.
- Tom fut sévèrement battu.
- Tom fut tabassé.

Tom was badly beaten up.

- L'expérience fut une réussite.
- L'expérience fut un succès.

- The experiment was successful.
- The experiment succeeded.

L'explosion fut telle que le toit fut soufflé.

- Such was the explosion that the roof was blown off.
- The explosion was so powerful that the roof was blown away.
- It was such a powerful explosion that the roof was blown off.
- The explosion was so powerful that the roof was blown off.

- Tom fut battu brutalement.
- Tom fut sévèrement battu.

- Tom was badly beaten.
- Tom was beaten severely.

- Ce fut votre choix.
- Ce fut ton choix.

- That was your choice.
- It was your own choice.

Ce fut incroyable.

But it was amazing.

Godwinson fut tué.

Godwinson was killed.

Elle fut promue.

She was promoted.

Tout fut vain !

It was all in vain!

Tom fut incinéré.

- Tom was cremated.
- Tom has been cremated.

Tom fut enchanté.

Tom had a grand time.

Elle fut lapidée.

She was stoned.

Tom fut tabassé.

Tom was badly beaten up.

L'oracle fut accompli.

The oracle was fulfilled.

Il fut lapidé.

He was stoned.

Ce fut désastreux.

It was disastrous.

Elle fut invitée.

She was invited.

L'Atlantide fut détruite.

Atlantis was destroyed.

Ce fut horrible.

It was horrible.

Ce fut mentionné.

That was mentioned.

Tom fut exécuté.

Tom was executed.

Il fut viré.

He was given the sack.

Elle fut anéantie.

She was devastated.

Ce fut efficace.

It was effective.

Sami fut surpris.

Sami was surprised.

Elle fut excommuniée.

She was excommunicated.

Elle fut paralysée.

She was stunned.

L'insurrection fut écrasée.

The rebellion was suppressed.

Il fut acquitté.

He was acquitted.

L'illusion fut parfaite.

The illusion was perfect.

Elle fut parfaite.

She was perfect.

Tout fut parfait.

Everything was perfect.

La réglementation fut abolie, mais fut ensuite remise en vigueur.

The regulation was abolished, but then it was reenacted.

- Ce fut une décision hardie.
- Ce fut une décision audacieuse.

It was a bold decision.

- Beaucoup de temps fut gaspillé.
- Beaucoup de temps fut gâché.

- Much time was wasted.
- A lot of time was wasted.

Ce fut elles qui survécurent, même si l'immeuble fut détruit.

They survived, even though the building was destroyed.

- Ce fut un bon roi.
- Il fut un bon roi.

He was a good king.

Tout fut par lui, et sans lui rien ne fut.

All things were made by him; and without him was not any thing made that was made.

Ce fut eux qui survécurent, même si l'immeuble fut détruit.

They survived, even though the building was destroyed.

- C'était propre.
- C'était net.
- Ce fut net.
- Ce fut propre.

It was clean.

- Tout le monde fut stupéfait.
- Tout le monde fut abasourdi.

Everybody was stunned.

- Trouver son bureau fut facile.
- Trouver son bureau fut aisé.

- Finding her office was easy.
- Finding his office was easy.

Ou exoplanète, fut découverte.

or exoplanet, was discovered.

Sa dernière question fut :

And his final question was,

Ce fut notre objectif.

That seemed to be our job now.

Napoléon fut d'abord perplexe,

Napoleon was at first bemused,  

L'équipage entier fut sauvé.

The whole crew was saved.

La corruption fut révélée.

The bribery came to light.

La voiture fut volée.

- I had my car stolen.
- The car was stolen.

Le roi fut exécuté.

The king was executed.

La partie fut annulée.

The game was called off.

La rencontre fut annulée.

The meeting was called off.

L'entretien fut brièvement interrompu.

There was a brief break in the discussion.

La réunion fut clôturée.

The meeting was closed.

Le secret fut révélé.

The secret got out.

Il fut fait capitaine.

He was made captain.

Boire fut sa perte.

Drinking was his ruin.

Sa réponse fut négative.

- His reply was negative.
- His answer was negative.

Son plan fut rejeté.

His plan was discarded.

Le meurtrier fut exécuté.

The murderer was executed.

L'audience fut profondément affectée.

The audience was deeply affected.

La décision fut remise.

- The decision was put off.
- The decision was postponed.

Le secret fut ébruité.

The secret was spread.

Le Dauphin fut enlevé.

The king's son was kidnapped.

Le Prince fut enlevé.

The king's son was kidnapped.

Ce fut extrêmement douloureux.

That was extremely painful.

Il fut également surpris.

She was very disoriented.

Ce fut très marrant.

- It was very fun.
- It was very funny.

Tom fut gravement battu.

Tom was badly beaten up.

Ce fut absolument merveilleux.

That was totally amazing.

J'ignorais qu'elle fut mariée.

I didn't know she was married.

L'expérience fut une réussite.

The experiment was successful.

Son nom fut oublié.

His name was forgotten.

Ce fut une déception.

That was a disappointment.

Ce fut un désastre.

- It was a disaster.
- That was a disaster.

Il fut très applaudi.

He received much applause.

Ce fut une bassesse.

That was a cheap shot.

Mon cours fut annulé.

- My class was cancelled.
- My class was canceled.

Ce fut très rassurant.

That was very reassuring.