Translation of "Donnerais" in English

0.006 sec.

Examples of using "Donnerais" in a sentence and their english translations:

Je le leur donnerais.

I would give it to them.

Quel âge donnerais-tu à Tom ?

How old do you think Tom is?

Je donnerais n'importe quoi pour la reconquérir.

I would give anything to win her back.

Est-ce que tu donnerais un rein ?

Would you donate a kidney?

Si j'étais riche, je te donnerais de l'argent.

If I were rich, I'd give you money.

J'en donnerais plus mais je n'en ai plus.

I would give more, but I don't have any left.

Je donnerais n'importe quoi pour revoir son sourire coquin.

I'd give everything to see her mischievous smile again.

Et je leur donnerais même un intérêt pour cela

And I would even give them interest for it

Même si j'étais riche, je ne lui donnerais pas d'argent.

- Even if I were rich, I wouldn't give money to him.
- Even if I were rich, I wouldn't give him money.

Que ne donnerais-je pas en ce moment, grands dieux! pour n'être pas marié!

- What I wouldn't give right now, great gods, to not be married!
- Good Heavens! What I wouldn't give right now to not be married!

Je donnerais ma vie pour un baiser de quelqu'un qui était autrefois mon amour.

I would give my life for a kiss from someone who was once my love.

Et pourquoi, je vous le demande, pensiez-vous que je donnerais mon accord à cela ?

And why, pray tell, did you think I would agree to that?

« Si mon gamin ne savait pas parler shanghaïen, je lui donnerais une claque à cet idiot. » dit l'homme.

"If my kid couldn't speak Shanghainese, I’d slap him silly." the man said.