Translation of "Snobbish" in Turkish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Snobbish" in a sentence and their turkish translations:

She's just being snobbish.

Sadece züppe gibi davranıyor.

Tom is just being snobbish.

Tom sadece züppe davranıyor.

Tom is a bit snobbish.

Tom biraz züppe.

You're being a bit snobbish, aren't you?

Biraz züppe tavırlı davranıyorsun, değil mi?

Tom is a bit snobbish, isn't he?

Tom biraz züppe tavırlı, değil mi?

Do people ever accuse you of being snobbish?

İnsanlar seni hiç züppe tavırlı olmakla suçlar mı?

- Tom is kind of a snob.
- Tom is a bit snobbish.

Tom biraz züppe.

- His affectations are annoying.
- His pretentiousness is irritating.
- His smug behavior is offensive.
- His conceited attitude makes me mad.
- His snobbish attitude gets on my nerves.

Onun züppe tavrı sinirimi bozuyor.