Translation of "Mugged" in Turkish

1.359 sec.

Examples of using "Mugged" in a sentence and their turkish translations:

Tom was mugged.

Tom yağmalanmıştı.

I got mugged.

Ben soyuldum.

I was just mugged.

Az önce saldırıya uğradım.

I've been mugged before.

- Daha önce soyuldum.
- Daha önce kapkaça uğradım.

I've just been mugged.

Az önce soyuldum.

I got mugged, too.

Ben de soyuldum.

I was mugged, too.

Ben de saldırıya uğradım.

- I've been mugged.
- I was mugged.
- I got robbed.
- I was robbed.


I heard Tom was mugged.

Tom'un soyulduğunu duydum.

Tom got mugged last night.

Tom dün gece soyuldu.

Have you ever been mugged?

Bugüne kadar hiç soyuldun mu?

I was mugged in broad daylight.

Güpegündüz soyuldum.

Three men in hoodies mugged Tom.

Kapüşonlu üç adam saldırarak Tom'u soydu.

Mary was mugged on her way home.

Mary eve giderken saldırıya uğrayıp soyuldu.

Tom is the one who mugged you.

Tom sana saldıran kişidir.

Tom got mugged on his way home.

Tom eve giderken soyuldu.

Tom was mugged on his way home.

Tom eve giderken soyuldu.

Did you tell Tom you were mugged?

Yağmalandığını Tom'a söyledin mi?

- Tom said he was mugged by three men.
- Tom said that he was mugged by three men.

Tom, üç adam tarafından gasp edildiğini söyledi.

- Tom told the police that three men had mugged him.
- Tom told the police three men had mugged him.

Tom polise, üç adamın onu soyduğunu söyledi.

- Tom got robbed.
- Tom was robbed.
- Tom has been robbed.
- Tom got mugged.
- Tom got fleeced.
- Tom has been mugged.

Tom soyuldu.

- I've been robbed.
- I got robbed.
- I got mugged.

- Soyuldum.
- Ben soyuldum.

Tom was mugged on his way home from work.

Tom işten eve giderken soyuldu.

Dan mugged an old lady near the train station.

Dan tren istasyonunun yanındaki yaşlı bayana zevzeklik etti.

I got mugged on my way home last night.

Dün gece eve giderken soyuldum.

Tom was carrying a lot of cash when he got mugged.

Tom soyulduğunda çok para taşıyordu.

Tom was carrying a lot of cash when he was mugged.

Saldırıya uğradığında Tom birçok nakit taşıyordu.

The mayor of Naples has apologised to a US tourist who was beaten up by local residents shortly after he was mugged.

Napoli belediye başkanı, saldırıya uğradıktan kısa bir süre sonra yerel halk tarafından dövülen bir Amerikalı turistten özür diledi.