Translation of "“it" in Turkish

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "“it" in a sentence and their turkish translations:

Touching it, feeling it, tasting it.

Dokundu, hissetti, tadına baktı.

- Take it, or leave it.
- Take it or leave it.

Onu al, ya da bırak.

- It was totally worth it.
- It was totally worth it!

Tamamen değdi!

Test it, weight it, commit to it.

Deneyerek, ölçerek, emin olarak.

- Leave it!
- Leave it behind.
- Leave it.

Onu geride bırakın.

- Stop it!
- Stop it.

Kes şunu!

- Forget it.
- Forget it!

Unut gitsin.

- It stinks.
- It stinks!

Bu kötü kokuyor.

- Take it!
- Take it.

Al senin olsun.

- Leave it!
- Leave it.


It was worth it.

Ona değerdi.

Was it worth it?

O buna değdi mi?

Is it worth it?

Buna değer mi?

That's it, isn't it?

Bu kadar yeter, değil mi?

- Damn it!
- Damn it.


- It hurts.
- It hurts!

O acıtıyor.

- Bend it.
- Fold it.

Onu kıvır.

- Try it. You'll like it.
- Try it. You will like it.

Onu dene. O hoşuna gidecek.

It doesn't make it any better, does it?

Tabii bu durumu daha iyi hâle getirmiyor.

- It's not worth it.
- It isn't worth it.

O ona değmez.

Don't touch it. Leave it as it is.

Dokunma. Olduğu gibi bırak.

- He's not worth it.
- It isn't worth it.

O buna değmez.

- That makes it easier.
- It makes it easier.

Bu onu kolaylaştırır.

It took time, but it was worth it.

Zaman aldı ama buna değdi.

- It rang.
- He stole it.
- He played it.

O çaldı.

- I tell it like it is.
- I'm telling it like it is.

Onu olduğu gibi anlatırım.




"Bu mesele

Accept it, and love it.

kabullenin ve sevin.

Enjoy it while it lasts.

O devam ederken keyfine bak.

It just isn't worth it.

Sadece buna değmez.

Take it, or leave it.

Onu al, ya da bırak.

It might be worth it.

Buna değer olabilir.

It was all worth it.

Hepsi buna değerdi.

It feels weird, doesn't it?

O tuhaf, değil mi?

Perhaps it was worth it.

Belki o buna değdi.

It is restful, isn't it?

Dinlendirici, öyle değil mi?

It is what it is.

Neyse ne.

It was dark, wasn't it?

Karanlıktı, değil mi.

It wasn't you, was it?

Sen değildin, değil mi?

It wasn't Tom, was it?

O Tom değildi, değil mi?

It was Tom, wasn't it?

O Tom'du değil mi?

It smells weird, doesn't it?

Bu tuhaf kokuyor, değil mi?

Would it be worth it?

O buna değer miydi?

It sounds incredible, doesn't it?

Kulağa inanılmaz geliyor, değil mi?

Was it all worth it?

Bunu hepsi ona değer miydi?

Is it still worth it?

O hâlâ buna değer mi?

It was almost worth it.

Bu neredeyse buna değdi.

- Shut it off.
- Close it.

Onu kapat.

It doesn't work, does it?

O çalışmıyor, değil mi?

It feels good, doesn't it?

İyi geliyor, değil mi?

It feels wrong, doesn't it?

Bu sana yanlış geliyor, değil mi?

It happened again, didn't it?

O, yine oldu, değil mi?

It makes sense, doesn't it?

Bu mantıklı, değil mi?

It really happened, didn't it?

Bu gerçekten oldu, değil mi?

It was Tom's, wasn't it?

O Tom'unkiydi, değil mi?

It was you, wasn't it?

O sendin, değil mi?

It was inevitable, wasn't it?

Bu kaçınılmazdı, değil mi?

It was wonderful, wasn't it?

Bu harikaydı, değil mi?

- This is it.
- That's it.

- İşte bu.
- Buraya kadar.

Is it really worth it?

Bu gerçekten ona değer mi?

Use it or lose it.

Onu kullan ya da kaybet.

It sounds cool, doesn't it?

Harika görünüyor, değil mi?

It sure sounds like it.

Kesinlikle kulağa onun gibi geliyor.

It sure isn't worth it.

Elbette buna değmez.

Swallow it. Don't chew it.

Çiğneme - yut şunu!

Love it or leave it.

Ya sev ya terk et.

It was hard. It was technical. It was stressful.

Zordu. Teknikti. Stresliydi.

- You deserved it.
- You've earned it.
- You earned it.

- Sen bunu hak ettin.
- Onu hak ettin.

- You made it!
- You've done it.
- You made it.

Bunu sen yaptın.

- It was unsettling.
- It was annoying.
- It was disturbing.

O tedirgindi.

- It was fabulous.
- It was great.
- It was fab.


- Isn't it obvious Tom did it?
- Isn't it obvious that Tom did it?

Bunu Tom'un yaptığı açık değil mi?

- Like it?
- Are you enjoying it?
- You like it?
- Do you like it?

Ondan hoşlanıyor musun?

- If it ain't broke, don't fix it.
- If it isn't broken, don't fix it.
- Don't fix it if it ain't broke.

Bozuk değilse tamir etme.

Instead, rappers glorified it, embraced it, sold it for profit.

Onun yerine, rapçiler onu yüceltti, benimsedi, çıkar için sattı.

- It's not what it seems.
- It isn't what it seems.

Göründüğü gibi değil.

- It's not possible, is it?
- It isn't possible, is it?

Bu mümkün değil, değil mi?

- It isn't necessary, is it?
- It's not necessary, is it?

Bu gerekli, değil mi?

- Was that really worth it?
- Was it really worth it?

O gerçekten buna değer miydi?

- It backfired.
- It has backfired.
- It was an own goal.

İlk seferinde başarısız oldu.

- Is it good?
- Does it taste good?
- Is it tasty?

İyi mi?

- You got it.
- You've got it.
- You have got it.

Ona sahipsin.

- It's not true, is it?
- It isn't true, is it?

O doğru değil, değil mi?

- It's not Christmas, is it?
- It isn't Christmas, is it?

Noel değil, değil mi?

- It's not worth it anymore.
- It isn't worth it anymore.

O artık buna değmez.

It doesn't matter who started it or why it started.

Kimin başlattığı ya da neden başladığı önemli değil.

And it emerges, it comes out;

Tüm bunlar meydana çıkar.

Let it fade, let it fade

Kaybolsun, kaybolsun

It it all eight at once?

Hepsini aynı anda mı?

Shake it, and you break it.

Sarstığınızda, bozarsınız.