Translation of "Thread" in Spanish

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Thread" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Which is best, white thread or red thread?

¿Cuál queda mejor, hilo blanco o hilo rojo?

This thread tangles easily.

Este hilo se enreda con facilidad.

There's no red thread.

No hay hilo rojo.

- Do you have needle and thread?
- Have you got needle and thread?

¿Tiene aguja e hilo?

- Your job hangs by a thread.
- Your job is hanging by a thread.

Tu empleo pende de un hilo.

- It's not easy to thread a needle.
- It isn't easy to thread a needle.

No es fácil enhebrar una aguja.

A long thread is easily entangled.

- Un hilo largo se enmaraña con facilidad.
- Un hilo largo se hace nudos fácilmente.

Your job hangs by a thread.

Tu empleo pende de un hilo.

And one unbroken piece of sewing thread.

y una pieza ininterrumpida de hilo de coser.

She sews with a needle and thread.

Ella cose con aguja e hilo.

His life is hanging by a thread.

Su vida pende de un hilo.

I sewed the dress with silk thread.

Cosí el vestido con hilo de seda.

I lost the thread of his argument.

- Perdí el hilo de su argumentación.
- Me perdí en su argumentación.

It's not easy to thread a needle.

No es fácil enhebrar una aguja.

Be careful that the thread doesn't break.

Cuidado no se rompa el hilo.

I lost the thread of the story.

Perdí el hilo de la historia.

Thread is the basic component of fabric.

El hilo es el componente básico de la tela.

Let me thread the needle for you.

- Deja que te enhebre la aguja.
- Permítame enhebrar la aguja por usted.

The thread is thin and breaks easily.

- El hilo es fino y se rompe fácilmente.
- El hilo es fino y se rompe con facilidad.

Don't you have a needle and some thread?

¿No tendrás una aguja y algo de hilo?

Wherever the needle goes, the thread goes too.

A dondequiera que la aguja va, el hilo va también.

I need thread to sew on this button.

Me hace falta hilo para coser este botón.

Thread the rope around this. Get that over there.

Ato la cuerda alrededor. Pongo esto aquí.

The thread is thin but strong, and doesn't break.

El hilo es fino pero resistente y no se rompe.

I believe that is the common thread of the day:

Yo creo que ese fue el hilo conductor de la jornada:

To some of this thread from the inside of paracord.

a este hilo interno de la Paracord.

He seems to have lost the thread of the story.

Parece que él ha perdido el hilo de la historia.

My hands were shaking too much to thread the needle.

Mis manos temblaban demasiado para enhebrar la aguja.

Would you like me to thread the needle for you?

¿Quieres que enhebre la aguja por ti?

- His life is hanging by a thread.
- His life hangs in the balance.

Su vida pende de un solo hilo.

And he was just the first loose thread that I'd started to pull on

y esta era solo la primera hebra que empecé a hilar

- You're a magician with a needle and thread.
- You are very good at sewing.

- Eres muy bueno cosiendo.
- Se te da muy bien coser.

There is a cult of ignorance in the United States, and there always has been. The strain of anti-intellectualism has been a constant thread winding its way through our political and cultural life, nurtured by the false notion that democracy means that "my ignorance is just as good as your knowledge."

Hay un culto a la ignorancia en los Estados Unidos y siempre lo ha habido. El esfuerzo del anti-intelectualismo ha sido un constante lastre en el modo de funcionar de nuestra política y vida cultural. Inculcada por la equivocada creencia de que la democracia significa que "mi ignorancia es tan buena como tu cultura".