Translation of "Stung" in Spanish

0.010 sec.

Examples of using "Stung" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

The soap stung my eyes.

- El jabón me hizo daño en los ojos.
- El jabón me picaba en los ojos.

I was stung by a bee.

¡Una abeja me picó!

I got stung by this bee.

Esta abeja me picó.

Ouch!! I've been stung by a bee!!

¡Auch! ¡Me picó una abeja!

Have you been stung by an insect?

- ¿Lo picó un insecto?
- ¿La picó un insecto?

- I got a bee sting.
- I was stung by a bee.
- I got stung by a bee.

Me picó una abeja.

- Which bee has bit you?
- What bee has stung you?

¿Qué mosca te ha picado?

They're all part of my soup, but the onions still stung.

Todo era parte de mi sopa, pero las cebollas seguían apestando.

When I was stung by an angry bee, my face swelled up.

Cuando me picó una abeja enojada, se me hinchó la cara.

- Which bee has bit you?
- What bee has stung you?
- Which fly bit you?

¿Qué mosca te ha picado?

Once stung, it only takes minutes for the urchin’s toxic concoction to go to work.

Una vez que te pica, la toxina del erizo empieza a funcionar en minutos.

He didn't want to go swim because he was scared he'd get stung by a jellyfish.

No quería salir a nadar por temor a que lo picara una aguaviva.