Translation of "Sneak" in Spanish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Sneak" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

- Don't sneak out of the concert!
- Don't sneak out of the concert.

¡No te escabullas del concierto!

I sneak into the house.

Entro en la casa a hurtadillas.

Don't sneak out of the concert!

¡No te escabullas del concierto!

I caught him trying to sneak out.

Lo pillé intentando escabullirse.

Give people a sneak preview but not

dar a las personas un adelanto, pero no

How were you able to sneak in here?

¿Cómo pudiste colarte aquí?

Tom couldn't sneak out of the dorm without being seen.

Tom no se pudo escabullir del dormitorio sin ser visto.

- I steal into the house.
- I sneak into the house.

Entro en la casa a hurtadillas.

And the pups on high alert, it's hard to sneak in unnoticed.

y con los cachorros en alerta, es difícil colarse y pasar inadvertido.

Tom was the only one who saw Mary sneak into the room.

Tom fue el único que vio a María entrar sigilosamente en la habitación.

Perhaps you sneak around and try to find another way into the castle.

Tal vez te escabulles y buscas otra forma de entrar al castillo.