Translation of "Longing" in Spanish

0.003 sec.

Examples of using "Longing" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

I'm longing to see him.

Tengo ganas de verlo.

We were longing for peace.

Con impaciencia esperábamos la paz.

He is longing for city life.

Él añora la vida en la ciudad.

The rescued refugees were longing for freedom.

Los refugiados sobrevivientes añoraban libertad.

And left many people longing for earlier decades,

e hizo que mucha gente añorara las décadas anteriores,

I wonder if you heard the longing movie

Me pregunto si escuchaste la película de anhelo

We are all longing for peace in the world.

Todos queremos la paz mundial.

In his heart he grows the plant of longing.

En el corazón cultiva la planta de la añoranza.

- The rescued refugees were longing for freedom.
- The surviving refugees longed for freedom.

Los refugiados supervivientes aspiraban a la libertad.

The idea that what we really yearn for is longing and love for another,

Lo que verdaderamente anhelamos es ser amados por alguien.

And I could feel I was outside. And I had this deep longing to be inside that world.

Y yo sentí que estaba afuera. Tenía un profundo deseo de estar dentro de ese mundo. 18 AÑOS DESPUÉS