Translation of "Identical" in Spanish

0.216 sec.

Examples of using "Identical" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

They're identical.

Son idénticos.

It's identical.

Es idéntico.

Identical, equal, similar.

Idénticos, iguales, similares.

These marks were identical,

Estas marcas eran idénticas,

I delivered identical twins.

Di a luz a gemelos idénticos.

These shirts are identical.

Estas camisas son idénticas.

They often shared identical characteristics,

a menudo compartieron características idénticas,

I have an identical twin.

Tengo un gemelo idéntico.

Everything is identical to something.

Todo es idéntico a algo.

Tom has an identical twin.

Tom tiene un gemelo idéntico.

- It's the same.
- It's identical.

Es idéntico.

Your chair is identical to mine.

Tu silla es idéntica a la mía.

Tom and I aren't identical twins.

Tom y yo no somos gemelos idénticos.

Tom and John are identical twins.

Tom y John son gemelos idénticos.

The Earth and Moon have identical isotopes.

La Tierra y la Luna tienen isótopos idénticos.

Creating our isotopically identical Earth and Moon.

creando la Tierra y la Luna isotópicamente idénticas.

But what we see is pretty identical.

Pero lo que vemos es idéntico.

He is identical to his older brother.

- Él es idéntico a su hermano mayor.
- Su hermano mayor y él son como dos gotas de agua.

Your personal computer is identical with mine.

Tu ordenador personal es idéntico al mío.

I created a very identical Secret Service listing

Creé un anuncio idéntico al del Servicio Secreto,

And they're boiling their water in identical ways.

y están hirviendo el agua de manera idéntica.

The signifier is not identical to the signified.

El significante no es idéntico al significado.

You'll find that they are actually only 98.5% identical.

encontrarán que en realidad son idénticos sólo en el 98,5%

You've got 9 identical coins that all weigh the same,

Tenemos nueve monedas idénticas que pesan todas lo mismo,

Into two identical copies fiber by fiber, strand by strand.

y se transforma en dos copias idénticas, fibra por fibra, tramo a tramo.

This idea that we're 99.9% identical has gained great traction

Esta idea de que somos el 99,9% idénticos ha arraigado mucho

The Earth and the Moon are actually like identical twins.

La Tierra y la Luna son, en realidad, como gemelas.

It's very appealing to say that we are all 99.9% identical --

es muy llamativo decir que todos somos en un 99,9% idénticos,

Now, by design, the diets had to be identical in calories.

Deliberadamente, las dietas debían ser idénticas en calorías.

Which was served from a coffee set identical to the one my parents used.

que se servía de una vajilla de café idéntica a la que usaban mis padres.

No two snowflakes are identical, or at least no one has found them yet.

No hay dos copos de nieve iguales, o por lo menos nadie los ha encontrado.

Although the conditions are slightly different, the result of our experiment was identical with Robinson's.

Aunque las condiciones son ligeramente diferentes, el resultado de nuestro experimento fue idéntico al de Robinson.

I don't know if there is a difference between the two shirts. They are identical for me.

No sé qué hay de diferente entre estas dos camisas. Yo las veo idénticas.

- He is identical to his older brother.
- He looks exactly like his older brother.
- He looks exactly like his brother.

Él es idéntico a su hermano mayor.

- Even though they look like it, Carlos and Juan are not identical twins, only brothers.
- Even though they look like twins, Carlos and Juan are only brothers.

Aunque lo parezcan, Carlos y Juan no son gemelos, solo hermanos.