Translation of "Grey" in Spanish

0.005 sec.

Examples of using "Grey" in a sentence and their spanish translations:



- Your tights are grey.
- Her tights are grey.

Sus medias son grises.

- Grey clouds cover the sky.
- Grey clouds are covering the sky.
- Grey clouds obscure the sky.
- The sky is hidden by grey clouds.

El cielo está cubierto por nubes grises.

The lamp is grey.

La lámpara es gris.

The elephant is grey.

El elefante es gris.

He had grey hair.

- Tenía gris el pelo de la cabeza.
- Tenía el pelo gris.

My computer is grey.

Mi computadora es gris.

Is that cat grey?

¿Es ese gato gris?

And then he said, "Grey?"

Y luego dijo: "¿Gris?"

The grey goo engulfs everything.

La mugre gris lo envuelve todo.

- All cats are grey in the dark.
- At night all cats are grey.

De noche todos los gatos son pardos.

- Mr Grey did not enjoy his job.
- Mr. Grey didn't enjoy his work.

El Sr. Grey no disfrutaba con su trabajo.

- All cats are grey in the dark.
- At night all cats are grey.
- When candles are out, all cats are grey.

De noche todos los gatos son pardos.

I had my face painted grey

Me pusieron base gris

All of your cats are grey.

Todos tus gatos son grises.

Why are some translations in grey?

¿Por qué algunas traducciones se ven grises?

At night all cats are grey.

De noche no hay mujer fea.

Mr. Grey didn't enjoy his work.

Al señor Grey no le gustaba su trabajo.

All cats are grey in the dark.

De noche todos los gatos son pardos.

With a few more wrinkles and grey hair,

con más arrugas y el cabello gris,

- His head was gray.
- He had grey hair.

Tenía gris el pelo de la cabeza.

- His sweater is gray.
- His jumper is grey.

Su suéter es gris.

- My suit is gray.
- My suit is grey.

Mi traje es gris.

Although he's young, he has a grey beard.

Aunque es joven, tiene la barba gris.

- He had grey hair.
- He had gray hair.

- Tenía gris el pelo de la cabeza.
- Tenía el pelo gris.
- Tenía el pelo blanco.

- He had grey hair.
- I had gray hair.

Tenía el pelo gris.

- The sky was grey.
- The sky was gray.

El cielo estaba gris.

Her grey hair makes her look older than she is.

Su cabello gris hace que ella parezca más vieja de lo que es.

Actually, these images you see in grey, with a triangular shape,

Y de hecho, estas imágenes en gris, que veis, con forma de triángulo,

I believe this is especially the case for white, or "grey," children

Creo que esto se da sobre todo en casos de niños blancos o "grises"

In this post-"50 Shades of Grey" era, even kinky sex is okay.

Tras la aparición de "50 sombras de Grey", incluso, el sexo pervertido está bien.

All theory, my friend, is grey, but green is life's glad golden tree.

Amigo mío, todas las teorías son grises; solamente está lozano el árbol dorado de la vida.

He loved looking at grey sky with the sun peeking through the thick clouds.

Le encantaba mirar el cielo gris con el sol asomándose entre las nubes espesas.

Strewn here and there behold / arms, planks, lone swimmers in the surges grey, / and treasures snatched from Trojan homes away.

Vense cuál surgen unos pocos nadando en la revuelta extensión de las aguas, entre vigas y armas que flotan sobre el mar y restos de tesoros de Ilión.

A platinum blonde is a woman whose hair is so blonde that it seems to have the same grey colour as platinum.

Rubia platinada es una mujer cuyo cabello es tan rubio que parece tener el color gris como el platino.