Translation of "Donate" in Spanish

0.004 sec.

Examples of using "Donate" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Donate what you're willing to donate.

Dona lo que estés dispuesto a donar.

Donate blood.

- Done sangre.
- Dona sangre.

I didn't donate blood.

No doné sangre.

Tom wants to donate money.

Tom quiere donar dinero.

Our people who donate to everything

Nuestra gente que dona a todo

I went to donate blood today.

- Fui hoy a donar sangre.
- Hoy fui a donar sangre.

And you could click on a "Donate,"

y uno podía hacer clic en "donar"

And we donate all of the profits,

y donamos todos los beneficios,

Who visit these children and volunteer and donate,

que visitan a estos niños y se ofrecen voluntariamente y donan,

If I don't donate, it will weigh on my conscience.

Si no dono, me quedaré con cargo de conciencia.

If you donate an organ, you could save a life.

Si donas un órgano, podrías salvar una vida.

If you donate an organ, you'll be able to save a life.

Si donas un órgano, podrás salvar una vida.

Donate your money to the poor and you'll have treasure in heaven.

Dona tu dinero a los pobres y tendrás tesoro en el cielo.

There is an urgent need for more people to donate their time and money.

Hay una necesidad urgente de más personas que donen su tiempo y su dinero.