Translation of "Boot" in Spanish

0.011 sec.

Examples of using "Boot" in a sentence and their spanish translations:

Throw out the boot.

La bota, la bota.

- Tom shut the trunk.
- Tom closed the boot.
- Tom shut the boot.

Tom cerró el maletero.

The dog chewed up my boot.

El perro se comió mi zapato.

My luggage is in the boot.

Tengo el equipaje en el maletero.

- My computer won't start up anymore.
- My computer doesn't boot up anymore.
- My computer won't boot up.
- My computer no longer boots up.

No me arranca el ordenador.

- Let's put this in the trunk.
- Let's put this in the boot.

Pongamos esto en el baúl.

- My luggage is in the boot.
- I've got the luggage in my trunk.

Tengo el equipaje en el maletero.

This car has the boot under the bonnet. The engine is in the back.

Este coche lleva el maletero bajo el capó. Tiene el motor detrás.

- Tom opened the trunk to get the spare tire.
- Tom opened the boot to take out the spare wheel.

Tom abrió el maletero para coger la rueda de repuesto.

The man ran into the room wearing a boot on his head, shouted a bunch of gibberish, and promptly exited.

El hombre entró corriendo con una bota sobre su cabeza, gritó un montón de incoherencias, y salió inmediatamente.