Translation of "Scratched" in Portuguese

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Examples of using "Scratched" in a sentence and their portuguese translations:

Mary scratched herself.

Mary se arranhou.

Tom scratched himself.

Tom arranhou-se.

Someone scratched my car.

Alguém arranhou meu carro.

He scratched his head.

Ele coçou a cabeça.

A cat scratched me.

Um gato me arranhou.

Tom scratched his head.

Tom coçou a cabeça.

Tom scratched his hand.

Tom arranhou a mão.

Your cat scratched me.

O seu gato me arranhou.

My cat scratched me.

O meu gato me arranhou.

Tom scratched his nose.

- Tom coçou o nariz.
- Tom arranhou o seu nariz.

I scratched my records.

Eu risquei os meus discos.

Tom scratched his beard.

Tom coçou a barba.

The cat scratched my hand.

O gato arranhou a minha mão.

America turned back with its head scratched

América voltou com a cabeça coçada

She scratched her finger on a nail.

Ela arranhou o dedo num prego.

He scratched his head out of habit.

Ele coçou a cabeça por hábito.

He scratched his arm with the nail.

Ele arranhou o braço no prego.

Tom's cat Felix scratched him, drawing blood.

O gato de Tom, Felix, o arranhou, tirando sangue.

So Khaldei scratched it out with a needle …

Então Khaldei o removeu utilizando uma agulha

Some got pretty scratched up, but nobody was severely injured.

Alguns se ralaram, mas ninguém chegou a se ferir gravemente.