Translation of "Swig" in German

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Examples of using "Swig" in a sentence and their german translations:

- He drank a mouthful of water.
- He had a swig of water.
- He drank a swig of water.
- He took a swig of water.

Er trank einen Schluck Wasser.

Tom took a swig from the flask.

- Tom trank einen Schluck aus der Flasche.
- Tom nahm einen Zug aus der Flasche.

Tom took a big swig from the bottle.

Tom nahm einen großen Schluck aus der Flasche.

- Tom drank another mouthful of beer from his glass.
- Tom took another swig of beer from his glass.
- Tom had another swig of beer from his glass.

Tom trank noch einen Schluck Bier aus dem Glas.

If I don't drink a swig of water, I can't swallow these tablets.

Wenn ich nicht einen Schluck Wasser trinke, kann ich diese Tablette nicht hinunterschlucken.

- Greta chugged the beer in one gulp.
- Greta downed the beer in one gulp.
- Greta downed the beer in one swig.
- Greta downed the beer in one draught.
- Greta downed the beer in one.

Greta trank das Bier in einem Zug aus.