Translation of "Nests" in German

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Examples of using "Nests" in a sentence and their german translations:

Birds build nests.

Vögel bauen Nester.

Not all birds build nests.

Nicht alle Vögel bauen Nester.

Birds make their nests in trees.

Vögel bauen ihre Nester in Bäumen.

After a while, ants leave these nests

Nach einer Weile verlassen Ameisen diese Nester

At once the birds left their nests.

Sofort verließen die Vögel ihre Nester.

These great apes usually sleep in leafy nests.

Diese Menschenaffen schlafen normalerweise in Nestern aus Blättern.

- All over the garden, nests containing colourful Easter eggs were hidden.
- Nests with colourful Easter eggs had been hidden all across the garden.
- Nests with colourful Easter eggs were hidden all over the garden.
- Nests with colourful Easter eggs were stashed all over the garden.
- Nests containing colourful Easter eggs had been hidden throughout the garden.

Überall im Garten waren Nester mit bunten Ostereiern versteckt.

Raccoons eat their way through 90 percent of nests.

Waschbären fressen 90 % der Gelege.

Birds have nests, spiders have webs, and humans have friendship.

Vögel haben Nester, Spinnen Netze und Menschen Freundschaften.

Then they build the nests, putting them on small and small

dann bauen sie die Nester und setzen sie klein und klein auf

The cranes tend to make their nests in the bell towers of churches.

Kraniche bauen mit Vorliebe ihre Nester in Glockentürmen von Kirchen.

The first nests were laid almost two months ago, and now they are beginning to hatch.

Einige Gelege liegen schon fast zwei Monate im Sand. Die ersten Babyschildkröten schlüpfen.

Wasp nests now jonathan can look I think I've already introduced such a large frame, but

jetzt kann jonathan gucken ich finde ich hab so  auch schon vorgestellt aber so große rahmen habe  

Those birds build their nests in the summer and fly to the south in the winter.

Diese Vögel bauen ihre Nester im Sommer und fliegen im Winter in den Süden.

We must especially beware of that small group of selfish men who would clip the wings of the American Eagle in order to feather their own nests.

Wir müssen insonderheit achthaben auf jene kleine Gruppe nur auf sich selbst Bedachter, welche dem amerikanischen Aar bereitwillig die Flügel stutzten, um damit ihre eigenen Nester zu befiedern.