Translation of "Anyone's" in German

0.007 sec.

Examples of using "Anyone's" in a sentence and their german translations:

- The police didn't find anyone's traces.
- The cops didn't find anyone's traces.

Die Polizei hat keine Spur gefunden.

I can't remember anyone's name.

Ich kann mich an keinen der Namen erinnern.

I don't need anyone's help.

Ich brauche niemandes Hilfe.

The police didn't find anyone's traces.

Die Polizei fand keine Spuren von niemandem.

- It's not anybody's fault.
- It's not anyone's fault.
- It isn't anyone's fault.
- It isn't anybody's fault.

- Es ist niemand daran schuld.
- Niemand ist daran schuld.
- Das ist niemandes Schuld.

I didn't mean to hurt anyone's feelings.

Ich wollte niemandes Gefühle verletzen.

It's very rare that anyone's willing to

Es ist sehr selten, dass jemand dazu bereit ist

Whether or not it's art is anyone's guess.

Ob es sich dabei um Kunst handelt, sei dahingestellt.

I don't want to tread on anyone's toes.

- Ich will niemandem weh tun.
- Ich will niemandem auf die Füße treten.

That's the nicest thing anyone's ever said to me.

Das ist das Netteste, was je jemand zu mir gesagt hat!

- He needs no one's help.
- He doesn't need anyone's help.

Er braucht niemandes Hilfe.

You must be careful not to put yourself in anyone's way.

Du musst aufpassen, dass du niemandem in die Quere kommst.

"Why are you always taking Mary's side?" "I'm not taking anyone's side."

„Warum stellst du dich immer auf Marias Seite?“ – „Ich stelle mich auf niemandes Seite.“

- I don't think it's anybody's fault.
- I think it's nobody's fault.
- I don't think that it's anyone's fault.
- I don't think that it's anybody's fault.
- I don't think it's anyone's fault.

Ich glaube, daran ist keiner schuld.

Know that victory and defeat are parts of anyone's life - except lives of cowards, of course.

Lerne, dass Siege wie Niederlagen zum Leben eines jeden gehören — außer zum Leben der Feiglinge.

- Tom is trying not to get in anybody's way.
- Tom is trying not to get in anyone's way.

Tom versucht, niemandem im Weg zu stehen.