Translation of "مواجهته" in English

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Examples of using "مواجهته" in a sentence and their english translations:

ولم يجرُؤ أو يُفكر أحد في مواجهته.

No one had dared or even considered confronting him about it.

يفضل الرومان، وهناك بعضُ الأدلّة تشير على أنه كان مضطرباً خلال مواجهته

favored the Romans. There is some evidence  to suggest that the he was unsettled by  

على الرغم من مواجهته تحالف قوي إلا أن بايزيد حقق سلسلة من الانتصارات

Despite being met by a strong anti-Ottoman alliance, Bayezid scored a string of victories,